Monday, March 21, 2016

Sunday Morning

Happy Easter week to you!  As many of you know I collect transferware piece by piece whenever I am fortunate to find some. A few years ago I found a delightful trio named "Sunday Morning" made by W.H. Grindley, Staffordshire, England.  Well, last month I was looking through the web site Etsy and found this adorable "Sunday Morning" tea pot to match!

I am using this tea set through Easter Sunday to celebrate Easter time at my log home.

You can see the villagers strolling to church on Sunday morning!

I found a dinner plate to match!

I love the Ideal publications.  I recently found this 1978 Easter issue at a thrift store.

I need to find a frame for this sweet reprint of a little girl holding her lamb.

I added another thrift store find, my adorable little lady and her lamb.  She is a music box playing sweet music while I enjoy tea time!

I wish you a beautiful Easter celebrating our Risen Savior!

Thank you so much for visiting me!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  No Place Like Home,  TTCG Blog Party, Tea Cup Tuesday, and Tuesday Cuppa Tea


  1. Oh gorgeous! That's a pattern I hadn't seen before and I love it! And your table is all your goodies! Have a wonderful Easter.

  2. O my so very pretty I loved it all. Love the teapot the sweet lady. Happy Spring with love Janice

  3. Oh Nancy, those are the sweetest pieces you've collected for your Easter week tea time. I love the dear scene on them and I can just picture the people strolling to church on Easter Sunday. Your little music box lady with the lamb is so cute, too. Happy Easter week to you in your cozy, log home.

  4. Nancy, I'm so glad you found the teapot! It's such a cute shape too. I do love that pattern and it's nice you have those pieces. How charming that the folks are strolling to church on an Easter morning! :) The lamb is very cute and so is the figurine. I'm so glad you've shared with us and I wish you a lovely Holy week.

    Easter blessings,

  5. What a lovely addition to your transferware collection. Isn't it fun to hunt for matching pieces? Have a wonderful Easter!

  6. So happy you found the 'Sunday Morning' teapot and plate to match your trio. It's always fun to add to collections. I remember the lovely Ideals publications. I haven't seen one in a long time. Love your figurine/music box that goes perfectly with your beautiful spring-like and 'Eastery' tablescape.
    Wishing you a Happy Easter! Because He arose and conquered death and sin we have a glorious hope!

  7. What a beautiful tea set! It will look perfect for Easter. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  8. I love the village pictures on the tea pot, cup and plate; especially the fact that they are walking to church on Easter Sunday morning. Your table setting is so the Ideals Easter magazine also. I wish they still published such beautiful seasonal magazines. Love the figurines...and the Easter music score "Christ the Lord is Risen Today!" Hallelujah!!!! My favorite Easter hymn. Thank you for helping us to get in the Easter spirit early in the week. Have a Blessed and Holy Easter!

  9. Lovely post. I've never heard of Ideals magazine. Now I'm interested :)

  10. That is a a beautiful teapot! Have a great Easter!

  11. Hi Nancy, sweet pattern of transferware. I have seen some pieces here and there. I like it with the sheep, it fits with the straw and all.
    Your print of the little girl and lamb is adorable and I like the sweet little girl and lamb musical too.
    Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter!

  12. Dear Nancy:
    What a darling table with an Easter theme and I love how you incorporated the Easter Song. Your table looks so sweet with these lovely transferware dishes. I am so glad you linked and shared.

  13. Happy Easter Happy Spring!
    Your newest tea pot is a real find! What an apt name too. You always find wonderful treasures.
    Wishing you a lovely day,

  14. What lovely, memory-making dishes, and what charming vignettes you've arranged! That's a pattern I've never even heard of, and it's simply delightful.

    And the IDEALS!! What a wonderful memory-kindle that is! I used to have every issue for about twenty years or so, and don't know why or when I stopped accumulating them. I loved their simple, sweet messages and poems, and the photos are amazingly bright for seventies photos.

    We used to use them for little lessons and readings in church activities, and one year, I chose five or six sweet poems to be read between songs in our Christmas cantata. Our Church Lady was quite territorial about her office; she'd do anything for anybody gladly, but Don't Touch Her Stuff.

    I marked the pages with little slips of paper, asking that she copy those particular pages and I'd cut out the ones I wanted. I returned to find a pile of little squares atop my Christmas book---she'd turned the task over to her teenage Granddaughter who was visiting, and she'd simply cut out each poem from the book, leaving big old snaggle-tooth pages. It WAS funny, even at the time.

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!


  15. Hi Nancy,
    Your transferware is just lovely. So glad that you found a plate to match. That teapot is gorgeous! I was singing the hymn "Christ the Lord is Risen today" yesterday. It is such a pretty hymn with it's Hallejuahs. I do hope that you had a perfect Easter. Happy Tea Day! Karen

  16. Absolutely gorgeous! Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)
