Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fairy Gardens Of Last Year

Happy month of March!  We now have lots of snow and March usually brings in more before our spring is here!  I have been yearning for warm days and while enjoying my  photos's of last summer I realized I never shared my last years's  fairy gardens with you!


A little teapot fairy house sitting near potted plants on the deck.

Sweet fairies returning to their cottage after picking flowers.

I caught a woodland fairy pointing to the sky!

A little garden fairy having tea in her flowery yard!

Fairy garden on a old chair in the hen house courtyard.

Wheelbarrow fairy garden.

Lastly, a couple of wee toddler flower fairies  enjoying summer time in their mossy yard!

I hope you enjoyed my  garden fairies and where they dwell in the warm months!  Thank you for stopping by and I'm wishing you a early spring!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Sandi's No Place Like Home,  Bernideens's BTTCG party, and Share Your Cup Thursday.


  1. Oh, Nancy, your fairies are darling and I especially like the one reading in that big tub of flowers in your first photo! I can't wait for warm spring days when the grass turns green and all of nature begins to leaf out. It's almost magical! So glad to have you share with us today and I hope your spring arrives early.


  2. Oh, so cute! I wanna live there....I hope your fairies dont' get into mishchief...but with such a beautiful garden to live in, I'm sure they won't. WE had snow today---so this was lovely. Sandi

  3. How adorable! You have such a gift for creating lovely settings for tea parties and fairies in your gardens. I would love to be a part of your little fairy village. It looks like such a delightful place to play! Thank you for sharing this with us. Made me smile!!!


  4. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your fairy gardens. So cute! Even though the calendar says March 1st, there's a winter snow storm advisory in effect here, and the snow is falling as I type. I'm so ready for spring! Have a great week, Nancy. Blessings, Phyllis

  5. How delightful! Seeing your adorable fairy gardens make me want to create my own this spring.

  6. Hi Nancy, Yes, I enjoyed your Fairy Gardens! So cute! I have that same tea set with the cherries for my dollhouse. :) I've always liked the Fairy gardens in wheelbarrows but don't really have any where to put it around here. So glad you shared these and will be looking forward to seeing what you do this year with those little fairies!
    Happy March!

  7. Wow you made such a pretty fairy garden! I love it.

  8. How wonderful, I love love fairy's I enjoyed it very much.. Inspired me to buy some more for my garden.. Have a wonderful day. With love Janice

  9. Oh, I am so enchanted by your fairy gardens! You have inspired me to make some this Spring. I have been making fairy garden terrariums in glass containers. I am pinning your post for creative ideas!

  10. Your fairy gardens are so sweet...loving the galvanized bucket and statue. So charming.

  11. Perfection.... I love the prolific attitude of your flowers and planting so sublime with the addition of the fairies and their dwellings Absolutely love them all!!!

  12. Dear Nancy:
    Just letting you know that this post was one of the Special Featured ones from Monday's BTTCG Blog Party that are on my blog post today! Congratulations.

  13. Your fairy gardens are simply charming!! You have me dreaming of spring!

  14. All your fairy gardens are just so sweet, Nancy! Thank you for inspiring me to get out and clean up my lone fairy garden and hopefull make some more!

  15. Oh, my goodness! The flowers, the color and the cute little fairy houses - all so sweet.

    Thanks for sharing at SYC.

  16. Dear Nancy,
    I am featuring your post at No Place Like Home this week. Enjoy your day.


  17. Nancy, your fairy gardens are just gorgeous and the gardens around them are so beautiful. Your spot reminds me of my grandmother's garden of long ago under all the redwood trees..Congratulations on your feature at Bernideens..Happy Monday..Judy

  18. Nancy, I love fairy gardens and have a couple. One in an old wheelbarrow similar to yours. Each and every one is just delightful! Your garden always makes me smile!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
