Friday, April 29, 2016

April Tea Time

Welcome friends, it is just about the end of April and we sure haven't have very warm weather!  Yesterday morning  it was 40 degrees and I took my mug of coffee  out on the deck to sip and survey the yard.

This mug says it all for the area we live in!

Later in the afternoon the sun was out and temperatures risen to 50 degree!  So I braved it and had my first outdoor tea on the deck for this year!  Now I can join Bernideen for her first "Tea In The Garden" at her lovely new home!

I am using this sweet trio with matching sugar bowl I recently found at a thrift shop. I love the soft aqua blue color.  It is made in the USA and stamped English Abbey.  I have a set of the pink in the same pattern and was surprised to know they made this color also!

I found the darling fairy house this spring and Mr. Bunny came by to check it out!

I received this tin of black tea at Christmas.  The tin is a keeper for me!

Snickerdoodle cookies for tea!

Last summer I found this dolly at a thrift store.  It is a "Wimsey" doll, popular in the 60"s.  I think she is cute in her own way!

I love this pillow my sister gave me last year for my birthday.  It reminds me of my precious angel daughter.  Even looks like her when she was little.

As you can see, no flowers in sight.  If  only we could get some warm weather, the daffodils are just waiting to bloom!

Next week we are going to Kentucky to Renfro Valley for a couple of weeks.  Hubby likes the concerts and I will be liking the warm spring weather!  Hope I can find a tea room, too!

Thank you so much for visiting!  Hope your spring weather is warmer than ours!

I will be joining Bernideens  "Tea In The Garden" today.


  1. Oh Nancy, I love the color of your new trio set! You find the prettiest things while thrifting. Your sweet little house just fits right in and your tablecloth ties all the colors together so nicely. I love the vintage looking pillow with the sweet reminder of your angel daughter. Enjoy your time in KY with your hubby and hopefully it'll be warmer.

  2. Dear Nancy:
    I am so glad you linked and shared this special tea with that wonderful sweet theme. I love that pretty transferware. What a unique color the pieces are and the darling bunny and cottage! So glad you participated.

  3. Looks so delightful...even without the flowers! They will be popping up and out very soon I am sure. I could use some of your is 90 degrees and high humidity here today in FL. I am NOT loving this! Feels like we skipped right over spring! But flowers are blooming and God is it's all good. Love your tea set, fairy house...doll, and pillow! All so sweet! Thanks for sharing with us today. I enjoyed this.

  4. I love your transferware china...such a pretty color!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. You were brave! Definitely cool! I love English Abbey...a favorite pattern! Just lovely!

  6. Hi Nancy,
    Your Tea in the Garden is so lovely today. I love the aqua transferware, teapot, bunny and new tea tin (it looks vintage). How I would love to visit your beautiful cottage and sit on the deck with you, have a snickerdoodle and gaze upon your private yard. It looks so peaceful and inviting. Have a Wonderful Weekend Dear Nancy! Karen

  7. Hello!
    I love this color! I have seen the pink before but never the aqua.
    You put together a sweet little tea time for sure. :)


  8. Hi: What a stunning china set. Love the color. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day. Blessings, Martha

  9. An adorable tea party! All arrangements were done efficiently. Loved your work a lot. Thanks for this magnificent post. Last week, attended a party at venues in Houston was quite enjoyable. Food was very creative.
