Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Valentine Tea Time

Hello dear friends.  Thank you for stopping by!  I hope you are enjoying the month of  February!  We have had a mild winter so far and have been lucky to miss the big snow storms coming across the USA.  Now that Valentine Day is near I wanted to share Valentines Tea with you.

I moved my tea cart from the dining area to the master bedroom in front of the glass doors overlooking the deck.

I gathered the few red Valentine items I have and made a romantic tea time.

The new to me pretty teacups are Royal Albert, Petit Point and Royal Victoria.

I recently received  my Mom's favorite old book  Snowbound by Emerson.  A perfect read for winter.

Clipper organic wild berry herbal tea in the unmarked teapot.

Homemade sugar cookies and purchased vanilla macarons for my sweethearts!

For all you gardeners you can just see my four square flower garden near the deck railing and the gazebo in the distance.  All waiting for spring, including me!

Lastly, here is Mr. Claus interested in all the pretties!

Thank you all so much for visiting!  Wishing you a wonderful Valentine's day!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  No Place Like Home,  Bernideens BTTCG Blog Party, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, and Share Your Cup Thursday.  


  1. What a wonderful view Nancy. I love this sweet setting for tea time. It is so enjoyable to be able to look out and see that beautiful snow. I am so glad you linked this post for others to enjoy!

  2. What a lovely tea table. Happy Valentine's Day, Nancy!

  3. Your Valentine tea table is lovely, Nancy. Lots of treasures! Wishing you and yours a Valentine's Day filled with love. Hugs, Phyllis

  4. Dear Nancy:
    Good news - all the teacups and teapots are all already there! We are here painting our house, getting new carpet and kitchen work so that it will be all fixed up to sell!

  5. What a lovely little Valentine's tea time you have shared with us. Thank you so much. Your beautiful china, pretty Godiva box, pearls, Chanelperfume - this is one romantic tea time! : - )

    Have a wonderful week full of love! ♥♥♥

  6. Hi Nancy,
    Your tea vignette is lovely set out in front of your window. I have always loved Chanel No.5 perfume! Beautiful pearls, heart shaped box, and tea wares. I have two of the RA Petit Point teacups which my sweet hubby gifted me with a couple of years ago for Valentine's Day. This is such a romantic setting and thank you for sharing it with us. Happy Valentine's Day, my friend!


  7. What a lovely Valentine setting...especially against the snowy vista outside! Perfectly warm and cozy! Loved seeing your little helper as well...I have an assistant like that too...they are so curious! Sorry I am a bit late, my back has kept me off the computer the last few days! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  8. Your valentines table and decorations are lovely. Happy Valentines Day to you!

  9. So lovely! Makes me want to come visit and have tea with you. Such a lovely setting, especially against the window looking out on the snow. I am sure you are looking forward to spring. We are too, even though it hasn't been too bad here either (in Florida). I am anxious to spend more time outdoors now that I am retired.

    It's so nice to see you back! I've missed you! Happy Valentine's Day!
    Your Florida Friend,

  10. Such a sweet tea party - love all the red and white decorations. I had a bottle of Chanel #5 that my brother bought for me for the christmas that I was 16. I wish now I had saved the bottle. Everything is lovely - I like where you placed the tea cart.

  11. What a pretty Valentine tea by the window, Nancy. I would so enjoy sipping some tea and having a cookie, while looking at all that beautiful snow. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  12. Valentines ... teacups ... poetry ... and the beautiful snow in the background!

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  13. Nancy, what a sweet and romantic table! I love how the one teacup looks like it has a cross stitch design. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

