Monday, January 4, 2016

"Take Ye A Cuppe O' Kindness For Auld Lang Syne"

Happy New year dear friends!  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

I thought this would be a good time to share my "Take Ye A Cuppe O' Kindness For Auld Lang Syne" teacup and saucer with you!

The over sized teacup is made by The Rowland & Marselius Co.  Staffordshire, England.  The saucer has lots of crazing and a chip on the side, but still a good buy for $12.00!

Look what my grandson and girlfriend gave me for Christmas!  What a surprise!  My poor dishes!  But what a cuddler, just what I needed!

Some more of my china hutch decorated simply for Christmas.  I love the square plate by Johnson Bro's.  Named "Country Life".

On the top of the hutch a Royal Tudor Ware teapot named  "Olde England", and made by Barker Bro's. ltd, England.  My two china dogs, what are they looking at?

Some more Christmas decorations around the house.  A Johnson and Bro's. Friendly Village platter named "The Covered Bridge". on the mantle.

A darling Grace's teacup, a Christmas gift from last year.

I changed my tea cart during Christmas week, using my "A Cup Of Christmas Tea" teapot and teacups.

One more thing to share with you!  I found this needlepoint teapot cozy at a thrift store recently.  I am sure it has never been used!

Well now I am ready for tea!  Look at the sweet teacup!  It is stamped  Yuletide Series, N-C-336A, hand painted.

Harney & Son's Hot Cinnamon Spice tea and the last of the Christmas cookies!  Wish you could join me!

Thank you so much for stopping by!  May you have lots of blessings this New Year!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  No Place Like Home,  BTTCG Blog Party, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Teacup Tuesday, and Share Your Cup Thursday.


  1. Hi Nancy! When I saw your post it reminded me that I have the same exact oversize teacup in red transferware, but mine is made by Anchor in England.
    Love your needlepoint Tea Cozy, and it was fun seeing all your pretty china displays, and new kitty Christmas present. Happy New Year! Love, Phyllis

  2. Youhave such a vast and wonderful collection of seasonal wares, Nancy! I could spend all day holding that beautifully kitty cat and looking at your collections.

    Happy New Year, ma'am!

  3. Dear Nancy:
    Oh so many pretty dishes and that perfect one for New Year's with Auld Lang Syne.....that's one I've never seen and very awesome. I love seeing other people's dishes. Happy New Year!

  4. Oh wow Nancy, you have such wonderful pieces! Love that square plate too. And that teacup you pictured last is really neat.
    Thanks for sharing your collection with us and have a great week!

  5. Love the teacup, of course! And love your new friend. What a darling. I love all your transfer ware. A gorgeous display. Happy New Year and thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea.

  6. What a charming post - and I love the oversize teacup. All your tea things are so wonderful - the matching teapot and teacups is so special. I'd love to join you for a cup of tea and a cookie - just the thing for this time of the year.

  7. What a great post! I enjoyed seeing your beautiful special dishes and the new kitty.

  8. What a terrific lot of Christmas and holiday dishes. What a fun way to celebrate and feel really festive. Happy New Year.

  9. Happy New Year, dear Nancy! What fun to see all your pretty dishes! I love the Auld Lang Syne teacup! That is a treasure. Love your little trees sitting in the china too. The kitten is adorable and he will give you cuddles during the winter months, I'm sure. What a darling Christmas gift from your grandson and his girl! Your post is charming and thank you for sharing it with us. Happy a lovely day, my friend.


  10. WOW Nancy, such a lovely set of dishes and that was a great Christmas gift your grandson and his girlfriend gave you!

  11. What a great, oversized teacup for ringing in the New Year, Nancy. I loved seeing all your JB dishes, and your Cup of Christmas tea ones. I'd love to sit and share a cookie and a cuppa tea with you. My favorite teacup is the Yuletide one with the nostalgic hand painted design...swoon!! What did you name your kitty?
    Happy New Year, Nancy!

  12. Oh so lovely! Thank you for sharing your cuppa for Olde Lang Syne...(I didn't spell it right probably) but that was so unique! Really special.
    I hope you and yours will have a blessed and happy New Year...please let me know if you make it back to FL. I am retired now!

  13. Happy New Year, Nancy! Hope your new kitty doesn't try to pick a fight with your china dogs! Love your beautiful collection of seasonal teawares.

  14. Every tea cup is amazing. I love the first ones, I have never seen that pattern. Perfect for the New Year. Happy New Year! Hugs, Martha


  15. I am so excited to see all your wonderful Christmas tea cups and saucers. The first cup you have pictured is fabulous and I want one also LOL, I have never seen that however I will be looking for one
    All your Christmas tea cups are do wonderful, I don't know why all of a sudden I want pretty tea cups

  16. Hi Nancy,
    What a treat it is to visit your blogspot and feast my eyes upon your pretty teacups. I have the Christmas Cup of Tea teapot and am searching for the matching teacups. Yours are treasures! I also love your Auld Lang Syne china too! Your kitty is dear and what a thoughtful gift. It's so nice to cuddle a little pet. Blessings Dear Nancy! Karen

  17. Hi Nancy, Happy New Year! It looks like it will be a wonderful one with your new furry friend. Have you named him or her? All your China is so gorgeous!

  18. Your post was definitely one where you shared your cup. All the cups are lovely, but that first one with the words "Auld Lang Syne" is beautiful.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  19. I just love all of your pretty dish ware, especially the brown teacups. Your kitty is so adorable. He looks like our Cyrus who is a Black Burmese. He did not last that size for long and although he is only 6 months old, he is quite large and heavy! They are very lovable and sweet kitties.

  20. What a beautiful collection of tea cups, Nancy. Love the one with the little bird. And speaking of 'little', a big "Welcome" to the new addition. How adorable. Name?

  21. Visiting from Deborah...and can't remember the name of her blog but it's the one with a heart in a cup of coffee...Montgomery is her last name.
    Sheesh. The tea cozy is fabulous as are all your dishes. I caught a glimpse of the red ware China in your previous post and it's beyond fabulous!
    Cute kitten, what's the name?

  22. Your tea party looks divine! Thank you for sharing it on SYC. Jo

  23. I just wanted to say I picked up a cup N-C 336D/Yuletide Series a couple of years ago at an antique store and I have periodically been trying to figure out the maker. If you happen upon anything, please let me know.
    I can send you a photo of it if you like.
    Thank you and have a wonderful day.
    Felecia Eby

  24. What a great collection of cups etc. you have.
    Beautiful items.
