Monday, September 16, 2013

A Tale Of Three Teapots

Hello and welcome! For tea time today I am using one of three teapots I bought about a month ago.  My daughter, sister, and I  went on a fun weekend shopping trip and while we were in a thrift store I spotted these teapots!

The teapot on the left is named "Dorset" by Wood & Sons, Burslem, England.  The middle teapot is called The Post House, made in England by Wood & Sons.  The right teapot is named "Chantilly", by T. Furnival & Sons.

I have been collecting brown transferware for my log home after seeing so many beautiful collections  on other blogs.  When I saw these beautiful teapots (or are they coffee pots?)  for only $14.98 each I could not believe the price!  But, even though they were a bargain, I told myself I really needed only one.  I don't know how many times I put all three in the shopping cart and then put two back!  Anyway, I was good and brought only the Post House pot  to the cashier.  When she rang up the price it was $7.50!  She told me all collectibles were half price today!  It didn't take me long to grab the other two!  How could I resist?  They are so lovely!

I am using the teapot named Dorset for tea today.

The day after I found the teapots we went to a different thrift store and I found the two teacup trio's.  I was so excited, I thought they were a match, but afraid not!  They are named Sheraton, made by Johnson Bro's. in England.

I set the tea table in front of my Tiger Lilies.  A lot of my garden flowers are going to seed, but my Tiger Lilies are making a nice show.  I have always been fond of these bright orange lilies with the black polka dots.  I  remember seeing them in my Grandma's flower garden.  I was so delighted to see these growing in my flower beds.  I think a little birdie dropped the seed, a little blessing for me, as I didn't plant them!

I don't buy as many magazines as I use to, but I always enjoy The Cottage Journal.

Well, please enjoy some tea time in the garden.  Our usual autumn weather is here, warm one day, and quite a few cool ones.  Hopefully I will be able to do a few more tea's outdoors before the cold settles in!

Thank you so much for visiting!  Next week my friend Sue and I are hosting a large tea  at my farm cottage.  I'll be posting about it later!  God bless and have a wonderful week!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Teatime Tuesday, A Return To Loveliness, Tea In The Garden,  Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea,  Share Your Cup Thursday, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. Lovely garden. Lovely teapots! And I think they ARE coffeepots -- they're a little tall and a little skinny to be tea ones . . . but hey, use them for what you will -- they are great teapots and to find three -- even at $15, they were a bargain! I would have done the same as you . . . . I adore transfer ware (although my color is blue) and all patterns seem to work together.

  2. All your transferware pieces are incredible! Your colors are fantastic! Martha - above - told you correctly. The shapes are coffee pots and they are treasures! I will be posting "Friends Sharing Tea" tomorrow - going back to that now that the weather is pure rain!!!

  3. What a fabulous find with the price at $14.98 was wonderful but to luck out on the half price day is even better. I love your garden setting with the tiger lilies. The sweet china set with the cups and saucers is perfect for a fall day. Have a great week!


  4. What a deal on the teapots! The Dorset one is my favorite. It almost looks like my Staffordshire Bouquet patterned dishes. The Sheraton pattern is really pretty too.
    Your lilies are beautiful. Did you know they were once called Blackberry Lilies?
    Happy Tuesday!

  5. Oooooh my! You have found some beautiful bargains! Yay!
    These looks amazing together and I am sure they look gorgeous in your home.
    The lilies are stunning!

  6. I love your brown transferware teapots! I need to get some too. Lovely tea in the garden. I love the beautiful setting...Christine

  7. Oh my goodness Nancy, you hit the jackpot!!! I love each of your brown transferware teapots. Aren't you the lucky one? Even though the tea cups don't match, they still look so pretty with any of the teapots.
    I look forward to seeing your post on your next tea party at your beautiful cottage. xo

  8. They are all three uniquely glad you were able to take them all!!! And the teacups are perfect for them. I love the color scheme of your tea table...the Tiger Lilies are gorgeous. God is so good to send the birdies with those seeds to your house! He knew you would enjoy them! Fall is there...not here yet in Florida...still much too hot and muggy to have tea time outside. But in a few more weeks it should start cooling down and will stay lovely all winter long...
    Thank you for your beautiful post today. I feel refreshed!

  9. Hi Nancy,
    Your transferware china is beautiful, love that floral pattern on the tea cup and dishes, but the three teapots (or coffee pots) together make quite a sight! How lucky of you!
    Thanks for the nice tea in your lovely garden.

  10. Dear Nancy,
    I am so glad you didn't leave the other two pots behind. They are too pretty!!! They look so great together. I love all the mixing of patterns and with the teacups too. You got yourself some buys there.
    Thanks for sharing. Loved seeing them!
    Ruthie from Lady B's TIme for Tea

  11. Hi Nancy, Love your teapots - my favorite is the Post House one. Love the lilies and rudbeckia in your garden!

  12. Hello Nancy,
    What beautiful coffee/tea pots you have found! I have a couple coffee pots but I often use them for tea too. I especially love your Post House pot. All three are beauties and the brown is especially nice for this time of year. Glad you were able to get all three! Thank you for sharing and coming to tea.


  13. A great deal on the teapots Nancy and they're all very nice. The orange lily is gorgeous, it coordinates with the cover of the Autumn Cottage magazine.

  14. Just lovely! Johnson Bros. is a favorite. Thanks for having us for tea in your beautiful garden.

  15. Hi Nancy, I'm behind on my blog reading and trying to get caught up. I loved visiting your blog today. Your fall garden flowers are beautiful! So happy you found three brown transferware pots to enjoy at tea-time, and how nice they were bargain priced. They're lovely, and I like the Johnson Bros. trios too. They go very well with the Dorset teapot. Did you get them when you went to Minnesota? I'll look forward to reading about your tea party. Happy Fall! Hugs, Phyllis

  16. What a cute farm cottage! You must have had a wonderful time! Everything looks wonderful. Isn't transferware...and Johnson Brothers in particular...perfect for fall? Lovely photos! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!
