Monday, September 9, 2013

Monet's Garden

Hello and welcome!  Happy September to you!  We have been on a road trip for a week, and just got home.  Hubby and I did the Lake Superior Circle Tour.  Beautiful pristine wilderness!

Before we left I took time for a quick tea in my hen house retreat courtyard, where my flowers are putting on such a pretty show.  I set the tea table in the corner of the yard where my tall phlox are blooming.  My first thought while enjoying tea was that it looks a tiny bit like Monet's garden.  At least I can pretend!

The teacup and teapot you've seen before.  I didn't want anything too fancy to outshine the lovely colors of the flowers.

My daughter gave me the pretty summery purse.

Enjoy a cup of Lady Gray tea and the last days of summer!

Thank you so much for stopping by and have a wonderful week!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Make It Pretty Monday, A Return To Loveliness, Teatime Tuesday, Tea In The Garden, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Teacup Tuesday, Cottage Garden Party, Share Your Cup Thursday, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. Your flowers are going strong - oh how lovely they are! What a darling table you have set up - love that kitty bursting with color! Lovely tea time here.

  2. What a beautiful setting to enjoy tea! I love your flowers, thanks for sharing them with us.

  3. Your tea party today is so pretty. I love the teacup, purse and setting for your beautiful display! So soothing! Thank you for sharing! Take care,

  4. This is such a pretty setting, Nancy! Love the kitty planter overflowing with blooms and the purse is gorgeous. Lovely Tea Time. Thank you for joining me and have a lovely day.


  5. Your own Monet inspired garden is beautiful. Such a lovely setting for tea.

  6. We like to drive that Lake Superior tour too.
    Your flowers are such lovely colors, and perfect for a restful tea time!

  7. Oh my goodness, Nancy dear, your garden is breathtakingly beautiful. The colors are so stunning. What I wouldn't do to have tea with you in that Monet-like setting.
    The drive must've been so gorgeous around Lake Superior. I'm so glad you enjoyed that this summer. xo

  8. Every thing is so dainty and soft and pretty. Lovely tea party. Lovely drive too.

  9. Beautiful tea setting, love all the flowers especially the purple phlox, mine are never pretty because the deer eat the blooms off! Have a great week!

  10. Good morning... and thank you so much for visiting my fairy post... your gardens are so beautiful!... and I noticed your gorgeous purse right away... tea looks lovely... Lady Grey is my very favorite... wishing you a blissful day... xoxo Julie Marie

  11. What a lovely tea time! You really don't need fancy china with flowers that gorgeous! Wow! You are so right, I have been to Monet's garden and these beautiful colors here in bloom really do remind me of it.
    What a sweet daughter to gift you such a lovely purse!

  12. Oh, how lovely - and yes, absolutely this looks like Monet's garden!

    What a gorgeous place for a nice tea break.

    Your purse is gorgeous - what a sweet daughter you have!!

  13. I'm sure you had a wonderful trip. Now your tea set up in your garden is so lovely. The phlox is just so beautiful! Wish I sit there with you and thank you for popping in to see me today.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Breathtakingly beautiful, Nancy. Your photos made me think of a sundial my mom used to have in her garden that said: "I feel nearer to God in my garden than any place else on earth."

  15. Hi Nancy, your garden does look very Monet-ish. If I was closer to you I'd ask permission to come paint your flowers. I love the colours. Your summer purse is very, very pretty and girly. How nice to see lovely girly things instead of black and metal-y looking dungeon purses, you know what I mean? Hugs and have a lovely week. :)

  16. No need to pretend Nancy, Monet's garden for sure! Gorgeous Phox! Mine is all spent. Always hate to see it come to an end. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  17. Oh, my goodness...the color of those flowers! They DO look like they're painted! Thanks for sharing a lovely scene that still says summer to me! ~Zuni

  18. Your gorgeous garden is a perfect spot for tea. Love that curly handle on the teapot, and pretty crochet tablecloth... it's all so lovely!

  19. Gorgeous setting! Beautiful colours all go well with each other!

  20. You definitely have an amazing garden - this is such an exquisite setting - so glad you had a wonderful trip,
    I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  21. You definitely have an amazing garden - this is such an exquisite setting - so glad you had a wonderful trip,
    I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  22. Simply delightful. What a warm welcome amongst such magnificent flowers! I don't know if you planned the colors so perfectly, or their own serendipity brought about such a lush, perfect palette, but it's just wonderful.
    Dear M. Claude would have loved it.

    The shape of the teacup always reminds me of my Mammaw's "middle room stove"---a graceful, two-bulge model which stood between dining table and a bed in that tiny, beloved house.

    Thank you for the invitation, and the visit was lovely.

