Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter Bunny Tea

Hello everyone, wishing you a blessed Easter!

It's been so beautiful here in Florida I thought I'd share another outdoor tea with you.  This will probably be my last tea in the beautiful outdoors for awhile.  We will be heading back home soon and it will be another month or so before our actual spring arrives!

I couldn't resist using my newly acquired transferware dishes!  The tea in the teapot is Trader Joe's English Breakfast. I bet you recognize the butterfly shape cakes from Little Debbie.  I do enjoy them and thought they were perfect for a simple spring tea!  Seeing that this is a "bunny" tea, I also included the white chocolate bunnies.

I made the flower setting in the teacup out of coffee filters.  I touched the edges with pink stamping ink.


I found the brown bunny at a thrift shop.  I have a few of the smaller size bunnies at home and have never seen the large ones.

It's a beautiful warm day.  Wish I could share it with all of you!  Hoping you have a blessed Easter remembering Jesus is the reason for the season!

Thank you for stopping by!  I will be joining the following parties this week:  Teatime Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, A Return to Loveliness, Tabletop Tuesday, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Share Your Cup Thursday, Home Sweet Home, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Show and Tell Friday, and Pink Saturday.


  1. Your red/pink transferware is just beautiful in your Spring Tea, Nancy!
    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  2. Love the transferware, and the bunny is so cute.

  3. How charming, and so welcoming in all the colors of Spring (and won't IT be welcome when this snow leaves us).

    I had not seen the butterflies, but these would be perfect when Sweetpea and I have our four o'clock tea.

    Wishing you all the Blessings of this special Season.


  4. Dolce e tenero questo tea -Ester!Bello fra conigli,fiori e belle tazze!Ciao,Rosetta

  5. What a lovely spring tea those red transferware dishes make. LOVE the big bunny. Enjoy the warm spring in FL.

  6. Oh how darling your table is with your new "old" dishes. I love it all! Welcome spring!

  7. Hi Nancy,
    I love your transferware as you know. It is so pretty! I love white chocolate too and I enjoy the white more than the other most of the time. Your coffee filters flower in the teacup is so soft and sweet. A lovely Spring post. Glad you enjoyed seeing 'our' teacups again. I'm enjoying them. Thanks for coming to tea and enjoy your warm weather.

    Easter blessings,

  8. Your red transferware is lovely. Such a pretty teascape outside ... lucky you! Love the bunny card and your chocolate bunnies. Fun coffee flower! Happy Tea Day!

  9. I really love your red transfer ware. It is so charming! And the bunnies are so festive for this time of year!

  10. Hi dear Nancy, it's so good to see a post from you before you head home. I LOVE your newly acquired transferware and with a matching teapot (swoon!!). Your bunny is too cute and I love your coffee filter flower. What a pretty setting! xo

  11. A perfect spot for tea and no better way than to enjoy your pretty pink transferware! I hope you have a wonderful trip home and will enjoy some thrifting stops along the way. Your bunny is a great example of a cute thrifted find. The best part of your vignette is the coffee filter bouquet with pink edges. Have a great Easter Time!


  12. What can be more pretty than red transfer ware and a bunny!! Beautiful tea table. Hugs,

  13. I love your red transferware. Your elegant tea table is so inviting.

  14. I do like the red transferware china and the rest of the vignette for your Easter tea. I bought the butterfly cakes when we were in Florida - yummy.

  15. Love your Easter Tea. Everything looks so lovely and warm. Love the Transferware, very beautiful. Enjoy your tea and this wonderful season as we remember what Jesus did for us and for the Resurrection. Thanks for sharing.



  16. It is always lovely to have Tea among the greens.your Tea scape is very pretty with beautiful tea sets...:):)

  17. Hi Nancy,
    What a cute bunny came to join your Easter tea with a beautiful red transferware china!
    Thanks for sharing this very pleasant Spring tea.

  18. What a lovely tea, my friend. Everything looks beautiful :) Have a blessed Easter!

    Hugs to you,

  19. Oh I love transferware. The red kind is so fresh and spring-like. I hope it's not too cold back on your little farm. :) Have a lovely Easter.

  20. Beautiful! We both used some of the same colors - and tulips! - in our tablescapes this week. :-) Happy Easter to you and yours!

  21. What a lovely tea party. I love your red transferware.

  22. Love your transferware pieces! They are a favorite of mine. Your tea looks like a wonderful treat, especially sitting in such a nice setting.

  23. Charming- love the splash of sunlight on the table. SO welcoming. Hope you have a blessed week :)

  24. Nancy, I love your bunny peeking through the transferware. Looks like a beautiful day for an outdoor tea. Can't wait till I can set a table up out doors. I love your transferware. So glad that you will be sharing with SYC. Have a blessed Easter my friend!

  25. Hadn't seen the Little Debbie cakes...hope I can find some! What a lovely setting. Love your transferware! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  26. Hello there Nancy,

    What a pretty tea post. I love your cranberry and white transfer ware tea set. Such a charming tea vignettes with your tea pretties and especially along with your yummy Little Debbie cakes. And oh to be able to enjoy tea out side... I can hardly wait. Lucky you!

    Have a marvelous and blessed Easter dear lady.

    Cheers, hugs and blessings from Wanda Lee

  27. Oh what a lovely tea table. I love your beautiufl transferware teapot, so lovely. Thanks so much for joining TTT and I hope you have a very Blessed Easter. Hugs, Marty

  28. You cheer us all up with your outdoor tea. It is still iffy where we are in NC. I look forward to being able to sit outdoors again.
    Your transfer ware is so gorgeous, you must be having so much fun using it. It looks amazing.
    Happy Easter,

  29. Dear Nancy,
    I love your transferware. Why is it that it always looks so appealing and fresh and sweet? I just never tire of it. You are a clever girl making that flower. It looks real in the picture!
    Yes, the weather is Florida is glorious. It has been a great winter.
    Happy spring and Happy Easter!
    Ruthie from:

  30. Beautiful! Happy Pink Sat.
    and Happy Easter weekend.

  31. Love your red transferware!! I am so jealous of your stunning tea pot. Thanks so much for stopping by and now that I found a blue transferware tea pot, I am on the hunt for a red one!!
    I also just bought the same wrought iron rose bench that is on your header!! I always wanted one!!

