Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Waiting For Spring

Hello everyone.  We are back home from our winter stay in Florida.  It is so wonderful to settle in my comfy home and being with family and friends again.

Spring is giving us a difficult time arriving.  We still have lots of snow and cold days!  My garden angel does not look happy in her spring bonnet!

This morning I thought I'd cozy up with a cup of Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice tea. with my new teacup I found in Florida at a thrift store.

The teacup must have been someones souvenir of Wales.  I fell in love with the couple having their tea.  The weather must have been cold there too!  They are all bundled up, but are bracing the outdoors!  Looks like spring in Wales with the daffodils blooming!  The teacup is a Royal Grafton, made in England.

I'm trying to decide what sweet to bake this morning.  I think I'll make the Fairy cookies and have a second cup of tea with them!

Thank you so much for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful week!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Teatime Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Teacup Tuesday, Share Your Cup Thursday,  and Show and Tell Friday


  1. Hi Nancy! So glad to read you had a safe trip home even if you did return to snow 27 days into spring! I like your teacup from Wales. Your tea tray is lovely. Enjoy your Fairy cookies and Cinnamon Spice Tea today!
    ~ Phyllis

  2. I love your teacup! So cute. I hope your weather thaws soon.

    Jocelyn @ http://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com/

  3. Woah! You still have so much snow up in the U.P.! I live in Indiana and thought the weather has been too cool for my taste for April! I'd be tempted to go back to Fla. for another few weeks. Teatime with your new teacup and some fairy drops probably helped to warm you inside, though. Cute teapot, too!!
    Have a lovely week!
    Ann @ Cairn Cottage

  4. I love that recipe book and sell it at my shop. Your lady is incredible and how you got the photo in such deep snow is a mystery to me! I love that hat on her head. I know you had a wonderful time in Florida!

  5. Welcome back, Nancy! Oh my, you have a lot of snow! How miserable to arrive home to that.
    I love your new teacup; it's so charming. I would have picked it up too. Thank you for coming to tea and I hope that snow melts and you can get outside for your tea soon. You have such a wonderful garden!


  6. Welcome home, sorry about the snow!
    Your new tea cup is a great find. What a sweet scene on it. It is a piece of artwork.
    I am sure your fairy cookies were wonderful, I have the same recipe and they are delicious.

  7. Dear Nancy,
    That is some welcome back home! You need some hot tea with all that snow. Jeepers.
    Love the sound of Fariy cookies and I see one is over looking your tea and waiting for hers.
    Ruthie from: http://www.ladybstimefortea.blogspot.com

  8. Hi dear Nancy, you share the cutest tea posts and I'm so glad you're back home! Your angel is hoping for Spring in her bonnet, isn't she? Your new cup is precious and so is the cottage teapot. Mmmmm the cookies sound wonderful and the peeking fairy must think so, too. Thank you for your whimsical vignette. You always inspire me, my friend. xo


  9. I love your Welsh teacup. I have some postcards of Welsh ladies having tea on my teatime Pinterest board. They are postcards from the 1920's. click on the follow me on Pinterest button on my page. If you want to see.
    Oh I missed your Easter Bunny Tea. How sweet! Have a lovely day.

  10. Oh Sweetie, cold here today; but no snow. I am trying to send a little sunshine your way to melt yours. Brrrrrrrrr! I have that same angel. I bet mine is a bit jealous of your sweet hat. Not one bit jealous of the snow! lol! Love the teacup and the fairy cookies sound so fun. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. I love your teacup, Nancy! Sending prayers for warmer weather your way!

  12. Such a pretty teacup and the recipe book looks interesting.
    Your poor garden angel almost buried in snow - hope it's melting.

  13. Your space is gorgeous! Love the header. Beautiful clicks!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  14. I had to stop in and say how much I love your white bench inside your home!! I just bought one identical to yours and have it outside in the front yard and I love it!!

