Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine Tea in Florida

Hello friends, will you be my Valentine and come to tea?  I've been saving some of my antique mall finds here in Florida for today.  I had so much fun dressing the tea table on my little privacy patio.

Help yourself to a cup of  "Love Spice" tea  from Hanna's Tea Times, (a black tea with cinnamon, cloves,almond flavor infused with orange), and sweets as I show you my treasures.

While I was out and about I found the teapot with the rhinestones at Ross.  I know my sweet Granddaughter will love it!

The pink rose teacup was a find for only $5.00.  Its made in Germany.  Love the sweet roses!

The dessert dishes were four for $3.00.  I couldn't resist that deal!  The tulips and sweets are from the local grocery store.  The sandwich bread is Pepperidge Farm swirl strawberry banana.  I filled it with strawberry cream cheese.  So yummy and a treat for me as our grocery store back home doesn't carry this bread.

Thank you so much for joining me for Tea today!  Now that we had our tea  its time for my hubby Valentine to have tea with me.  Wishing you a wonderful, happy Valentines Day!

I'll be joining these lovely parties this week:  Teacup Tuesday, Teatime Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Cottage Style, A Return to Loveliness, Share Your Cup Thursday, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home, Show and Tell Friday, Feathered Nest Fridays, and Pink Saturday.


  1. Oh what a lovely tea and so charming for Valentine's Day :) I just love your pretty tea cup and your tea pot is darling!

    Thank you for sharing and I hope you have an amazing week.


  2. Looks like you are having fun in Florida! New treasures are always so neat! Love the teapot and your setting is lovely! Wish I could join you for a cup!

  3. I would love to come to Florida and share your Valentine's Tea!

  4. Your table looks lovely! The food looks great, the tea sounds delightful, and your china is pretty. Enjoy the sunshine!!!

  5. I would love to join you for tea at this beautifully set table.

  6. Thanks for the invite to tea. I enjoyed looking at all your great new finds. Love, Love your teapot and teacup. The food looks so yummy.

  7. Hi Nancy. Your table looks so inviting. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine tea with your "love"..Happy Monday..Judy

  8. Oh, a teapot with bling! My granddaughters would like it too Nancy. You've been finding some neat treasures and Pepperidge Farm bread seems to be non-existent here too. I emailed them and they replied I should be able to find it in stores.

  9. Your teapot with rhinestones is beautiful. Love your floral teacup. Beautiful setting for valentine's day! Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Valentine's day!

  10. Nancy, what a wonderful tea in the beautiful state of Floriday! Your table is ever so sweet. Love the teapot and cup and saucer. I have a bird just like your pink one only mine is red. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. Hi Nancy,
    your table looks lovely. Your finds are all wonderful. The tea pot with rhinestones is so sparling. I can imagine that your granddaughter will feel like a princess with it. And the German tea cup is so pretty and so is the dessert plate. Its very old, I guess. The roses are beautiful. Thank you for this romantic tea time. I really enjoyed my visit. And thank you for your visit and the sweet comment on my blog.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  12. What a lovely beautiful tea I felt like I was right there with you. You have some great new finds.

  13. Love your lovely Valentine's tea setting in warm, sunny Florida! Your newly acquired tea-time treasures are lovely. Happy Valentine's Day! ~ Phyllis

  14. Hi Nancy,
    I would love to join you for tea in Florida. What a pretty teapot with the lovely rhinestones on it and your teacups are gorgeous! Treasures like yours are seldom found here where I live. How fun! Thank you for coming to tea and Happy Valentines Day to you and your hubby!


  15. Hi Nancy,
    I am featuring you on my 'showing a little love' challenge today.

  16. Dear Nancy,
    What a great find in your teacup. It is so pretty and only $5. A steal. I am glad it went to a good home where it will be appreciated.
    That bread with the strawberry cream cheese looks so pretty. Will have to use that idea.
    Happy Valentine's week and thanks for your pretty post.
    Ruthie from:

  17. Dear Nancy,
    Happy Valentines Day! You are so lucky to be able to set your tea party up outside. What a beautiful day to invite me to a warmer climate. I can almost feel the warm breeze.

  18. Hello Nancy,
    I would love to be your tea valentine! yay! I would have enjoyed sitting at your sweetly set table and enjoyed tea with you. That is a romantic German made cup! Very pretty.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  19. Hello Nancy:
    The vines around this sweet patio are a welcoming sign and make such a lovely backdrop for your tea. I love the table cover and all the pieces in your vignette and of course that cup and saucer is lovely!!! Sweet teapot as well....thank you for linking to Friends Sharing Tea!

  20. ooops........I just realized I clicked on you from my favorites but I do hope you will come link!

  21. Hi Nancy, how nice that that you shared your tea from Florida. I love ALL your treasures. The teapot is wonderful and I love the teacup and darling dessert plates. You always set such a pretty tea table. Happy ❤ Day! xo

  22. OH how lovely!

    You have such a sweet spot for tea there in Florida - outdoors in a shady green area, how divine!

    I LOVE your treasured finds - that Bavarian tea cup is stunning.

    Happy St. Valentine's Day!

  23. Teatime outdoors with your grand daughter!? Lovely! The table looks sweet. Happy Valentine's Day~

  24. What a lovely teascape filled with so much eye candy!!

    I hope you will stop by and enter my 3rd Blog Anniversary Giveaway..


  25. Hi Nancy: What a lovely tea! I have never seen a tea pot with rhinestones. It is just stunning. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  26. Wow, love the teapot! I would have never thought of bling on a teapot but it works for this one. My granddaughters would love it too, it is perfect for the fairy or princess tea party.

    You put together a very nice tea party on vacation for a very good price. I love this. Happy Valentine's Day to you.

  27. How delightful! Everything is so pretty and feminine! I live in Florida and love it here!

  28. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful Valentine Tea at Simple & Sweet Fridays. Your garden is so pretty and the table is so inviting. Happy Valentine's!


  29. Just lovely! Happy Valentine's Day from Miami :-)

  30. Well being up in Montreal and surrounded by white stuff I can't tell you how inviting this looks!
    What a beautiful tablescape and that teapot is just gorgeous!

  31. Oh your Valentine's TeaScapes are elegant and just gorgeous. I would love it if you could share this wonderful post at our WIW Linky party. I hope you can join us.


  32. Florida looks wonderful! But your new china pieces take the cake!
