Monday, February 4, 2013

A Summer Valentine Tea

Hi everyone, happy February to you!  We are still here in Florida and when thinking about sharing a Valentine post I thought of a tea I had last summer among my roses.

The red climbing rose is an Explorer rose called Ramblin Red.  It is so hardy and never dies back in our sub zero winters.

I used a trio set of dishes marked Triumph, American Limoges, U.S.A. 22 k gold.  A Romantic set!  I love how the gentleman is serenading the lovely ladies.  I wonder which girl he has has lost his heart to?

Did you notice the back of the chair has a heart in the middle!

Someone is peeking at the tea table!

I can't wait until Summer!

Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit me and I'm wishing you a wonderful week!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Teatime Tuesday, A Return to Loveliness, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa tea, Tabletop Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, Cottage Style Party, Share Your Cup Thursday, Home Sweet Home, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Show and Tell Friday, and Pink Saturday.


  1. This is so delightful. I love the gated entrance too with the birds on the posts. So pretty. I love the china and have never seen this version with the girls on front in the pretty dresses! I love it!

  2. Lovely! I have always though those 17th century designs were so romantic. They were so popular in the 1930s! I love your garden setting. So romantic!

  3. This is a beautiful post to put everyone in the mood for a Valentine's Day tea.

  4. What a delightful place to have tea, beside some pretty roses. Your teacup and heart backed chair definitely hint at romance in the air.

  5. How we love those roses! I can just about smell them! What a lovely post and perfect for Valentines!

  6. Greetings,
    Your tea vignette looks fabulous in your rose garden. I love your tea collection Triumph, American Limoges. So pretty and romantic. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a lovely week.

  7. This was so lovely - a perfect way to enjoy my evening :) Your pictures are beautiful and I felt like I was right there in the moment.
    Your dishes are stunning and the roses are gorgeous!

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for visiting my blog, leaving a sweet comment and following along :) I am now following you as well and I look forward to future visits.


  8. I always enjoy seeing your garden tea, Nancy! You have the prettiest spot. I I did notice the heart-backed chairs!! Enjoy your sunshine.

  9. Oh, how lovely; a garden tea! The heart backed chairs are perfect for your tea time, Nancy. I love the china with the romantic couples on them, I always have. Gorgeous roses and such a serene setting. Thank you for sharing and ocming to tea today. Have a lovely week.


  10. I always enjoy tea in your garden and your dishes and the roses are so pretty. Have a lovely week.

  11. Lovely little garden setting! Perfect for a calm cup of tea and a good read! Your china is sweet. Those ladies look so romantic inside the cup! And the plate scene is very romantic as well. What a lovely trio!

  12. Oh my what a perfect setting and your teascape is stunning. Love your dishes and the ice cream table and chairs are fabulous. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  13. Your Florida garden with roses is lovely and charming. Wish I could have some tea with you there in the gorgeous table you've set with the beautiful American Limoges tea set..lovely!! Thank you for coming, my friend. Hugs,

  14. Lovely setting for tea outdoors!
    dreaming here in our white wilderness and -24 celsius degrees today!
    I posted violets just for their wee spot of Hope & Cheer !

  15. Beautiful china! It's great seeing the green grass and your red roses too. Enjoy your travels!

  16. The roses are lovely and so it the chair with the heart, but I love that china pattern!

    I was fortunate enough to find several pieces of it and then an entire set of every piece available - SERVICE for 12!!

    Hope you have a wonderful week, too!

  17. This is the perfect setting for a lovely tea time. The theme is seen on the china with the girls being serenaded for love is in the air. The pretty roses are a bonus. Thanks for sharing this beautiful tea vignette and thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  18. What a beautiful post!! And such a a lovely pattern on those dishes!!

    Thanks for always stopping by!


  19. How romatic and pretty your tea is!
    Heather from Friendship, Life and Style

  20. This looks so beautiful and reminds me of the time I had in my cottage garden a few years ago. I love the red and white roses which remind me of the Snow White and Rose Red story book I used to have. Thanks for sharing. Chel

  21. Would love to sit in that heart back chair and enjoy a spot of tea with you.

  22. Nancy, this post has me yearning for roses blooming in my garden. I am so anxious to see how my newly planted rose garden faired this harsh winter. Love your beautiful dishes. I too wonder which girl he chose. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  23. Beautiful and romantic ~ lovely. Happy Pink Saturday to you, Dru

  24. You picture has inspired me. I want to go out and "fluff" my garden table today. I am housebound with a husband in pain waiting for surgery on Tuesday. Perhaps lunch in the garden will lift his spirits.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  25. What a pretty patch of land to enjoy tea. So glad I found your cheerful and teafilled blog. Karen

  26. Thanks for visiting and following me today at Delights of the Heart. I have the same heart chair and also french bistro chair too. I can see we like many of the same things.

  27. Found you from Romantic Home link up. I love the bed as a garden fence. Plus all the pretty tea cups.


  28. Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!
