Monday, February 18, 2013

A Violet February Tea

Hello everyone!  Welcome to tea again this week!

First, I'd like to share with you a wonderful giveaway I won from Judith at Lavender Cottage.  The package arrived with not the usual brown wrapping paper, but with beautiful paper decorated with hummingbirds!  Here's a picture of the pretty wrapped gifts inside the cute box.

Look at the sweet card Judith made and it matches the beautiful rose soap!  Also in the gift box is a darling embroidered sachet filled with sweet smelling lavender, a cute Valentine stick pin, and a toe ring with lots of bling!

But that's not all, also included is a journal and my favorite, a teapot book mark and yummy Friendship Tea!

Thank you so much Judith, for this wonderful giveaway!

Now shall we have tea?  This week for tea time I'd like to invite you to a Violet February Tea.  My violet tea sets are at home so I'm sharing a tea I had last spring in my tiny farm cottage bedroom.

I bought the tea set a few years ago at a thrift shop.  I think it goes quite nicely with the violet folding chair!

Wish I could remember the name and markings of the tea set!

The party hat cookies are real easy to make.  Last March in my Spring Tea post I shared how to make them.

I love the sun shining down on the tea!

Well, it will be a lone while before violets are blooming in my garden, but it was fun to remember this spring tea!

Thank you so much for coming by today!  I always enjoy your visits and sweet comments.  Wishing you a wonderful week!

I'll be joining the following parties this week:  Make it Pretty Monday, Teatime Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, A Return to Loveliness, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Tabletop Tuesday, Cottage Style, Share Your Cup Thursday, Sweet and Simple Fridays,  Home Sweet Home, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. Your teaset is gorgeous, Nancy! Congratulations on winning Judith's giveaway. You received some very nice items. The rose soap is so pretty - bet it smells good too!

  2. What a delightful win! Your goodies are beautiful - enjoy :)

    Your tea is beautiful and what a clever idea for your cookie hats - too cute!
    Your china is lovely and I especially like the folding chair.
    Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Monday!


  3. Congratulations on your wonderful gift from Judith! And violets are blooming all over this week. Love it! I love your cookies cute!

  4. Complimenti per la vincita!Comè bello questo thé con le violette!Tutto sa di primavera,anche la finestra!Baci,Rosetta

  5. Such a lovely teaset - violets for February! Glad you won the "treats" from Judith!

  6. Nancy, I am so pleased you like the treasures I included in the giveaway.
    The china you're using for tea this week is pretty and the sunlit photo is awesome.

  7. Nothing could be daintier than violets and I love how you have set up your tea party!

  8. Hi Nancy,
    You received some lovely items from Judith. Giveaways are such fun, aren't they! Love your pretty violet tea set and I remember your tea hat cookies well for I featured them at one of my tea parties last year. I still think they are adorable! Thank you for coming to tea, my friend, and enjoy your day.

    Blessings and joy,

  9. Dear Nancy,
    I love your pretty little tea hat cookies. Your violet tea service is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Violets are so pretty, especially your Tea Cup and saucer! I love the little cookies!

    Jan ♥

  11. Oh, how fun! What a sweet goodie box. I love your outdoor photos of the teacup- pretty! Have a nice week.

  12. Lovely, lovely! This is one of my favorite colors... I think I actually may have something in this pattern...I am thinking a little bottle in my bathroom upstairs... I will have to go and check.....

    Thanks so much for stopping by amd always leaving such a kind comment!!

    Oh, I forgot..That cchair is to die for.....


  13. Nancy,
    You set such a beautiful tea table, with such yummy treats. I hope your week is a great one.
    Reuzeit Emporium Blog
    Reuzeit Emporium

  14. Hi Nancy, yea for you in winning Judith's giveaway!! I love your pretty violet tea set! You always set the prettiest tea service. Those cookies are adorable. I have to look up how you made them. Wish I could join YOU for tea. XO
    p.s. I never find pretty things at thrift stores like that!!

  15. So happy you were the recipient of Judith's wonderful giveaway.
    Your violet tea is lovely. Hope you are enjoying your time in Florida, but anxiously waiting for warmer Michigan weather when you can start gardening again.

  16. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful Violet February Tea at Simple & Sweet Fridays. Everything looks lovely!


  17. wow I just love the violet set....I collect cups and saucers etc with violets on them. How fun to find them in a thrift shop.
    Lucky you

  18. A sweet and adorable tea post! What a pretty set too, violets seem to be hot topic this week. They just seem perfect for February. So cheery! Your tea setting there in the sun looks magical!

  19. Beautiful teaset. Congrats. Lovely teascape too. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  20. Beautiful! Love the way the tea catches the sun light...and purple..well my favorite color! Thank you for sharing! Have a happy weekend. I came hopping over from My Romantic Home Party!

  21. The tea set is adorable! I have a small teapot with violets that I inherited from my sweet MIL, and then found a sweet little sugar & creamer that was almost a perfect match. Violets always make me smile.

  22. Nancy, congrats on the win. Looks like it was purchased just for you! I love your violet tea set. I had Violets all along the front of my previous home. Every March they were such a beautiful sight. Lucky for me my youngest son bought our home so I still get to enjoy them. The cookies are so cute. Pinning them for future. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  23. Beautiful tea! What score on that red transferware! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  24. The violets in the tea cups are adorable !

    I like the pictures.

    Happy Day!

