Sunday, October 22, 2017

Catching Up Over Tea

Hello friends!  I finally have my lap top repaired and have some catching up to do with my blog.  Back in September I was excited to be looking forward to be part of the Southern Belle Tea Tour that Phyllis of Relevant Tea Leaf blog was hosting.  But, due to the hurricane Irma the trip was cancelled and rescheduled for next spring.  Phyllis had already made gift bags for us "southern belles" and she so kindly sent me mine to enjoy now!

Included in the darling  southern belle gift bag was a decorated southern belle tin filled with a special blend of Adagio tea, a sweet gold spoon,  a yummy scone mix which just happened to be named "Phyllis",  a teabag holder, and a teacup ornament!  Thank you so much Phyllis!

Behind the tea setting is a large puzzle my sister put together and glued.  Hubby made the frame and is now  proudly at the farm cottage.  I think it shows a lot of southern charm for tea time!

I am using my unmarked Crinoline teapot with a Royal Doulton teacup and saucer.

A crinoline belle leaning against some of my southern theme cook books.

Cranberry scones and Adagio's Ceylon tea.

Every southern belle needs a pretty fan to cool herself and to maybe flirt a little!

I made this fascinator hat for the southern belle tea tour.  Easy to do!  A vintage shoulder pad, found feathers, netting, and a fabric rose plucked from a bouquet.  All glued together with a glue gun and a clip to hold the fascinator on.

Thank you for visiting me!  Wishing you a wonderful October!

I will be joining Bernideen for her Friends Sharing Tea party and Ruth for her Tuesday Cuppa Tea party.


  1. Love your post today, Nancy! I sure hated to cancel the tea tour, but I
    couldn't argue with Mother Nature! Love your crinoline teapot, teacup, creamer, bookend, hankie, and hand-embroidered tea towel. The puzzle your
    sister put together is beautiful too. I'm sure it reminded her of your cottage and beautiful gardens.

  2. Love the fascinator you made too. I'm sure you'll be able to wear
    it to other tea events.

  3. I am simply "fascinated" by everything, including the "facinator" hat. What a clever idea!! That puzzle is beautiful! I love the crinoline ladies on your teapot and cup, doily...and that bookend is fabulous. I don't follow the tea "circuit" of blogs as much, but this one sounded interesting. Was the tour something/someplace you were actually going, or just on the blogs? Sounded like fun! I hope you are having a lovely fall. We are expecting some fall like weather this week, which I am truly going to enjoy! May even have to stage an outdoor tea party in the Secret Garden! Please let me know if you ever make it back to Florida. Maybe we could actually meet next time!! Take care and God bless you dear friend.

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment! It doesn't look like we will be going south this winter. If it ever happens I hope to see you!
      God bless you too!

  4. Everything is so sweet, and love the bag of goodies you got. What a treat. The hat is so very clever, I remember the days when we used to wear hats for fancy occasions - sometimes I miss getting all fancied up for an event. Have a great week ahead.

  5. Dear Nancy: I am so sorry that trip had to be canceled but better safe than sorry as they used to say. Your Crinoline Lady teapot and cup and saucer are very fun. Looks like a lovely bag of goodies from Tour Guide Phyllis! I love that puzzle too - wow! I am supposed to get my computer back this week and if so maybe will have a later in the week blog party linkup.

  6. What a lovely teaset!Love the embroideries and that puzzle too!Hugs,Maristella.

  7. I'm sorry that your tea trip got postponed. I look forward to living vicariously through you. Your crinoline tea sets are lovely. I like the idea of framing a completed puzzle.

  8. Nancy, I'm sorry the tea trip had to be postponed, but how lovely that you received the gift bag AND made such good use of it. Glad I found your link at Ruth's party. I love Adagio teas. Not sure I've tried that one though. I hope you'll visit my post today which includes comments on the restaurant tea service at the hotel I recently visited.

  9. What a wonderful gift bag of goodies...but what a shame the tour had to be cancelled. Let's hope it will work out for next year. Love the puzzle, and Crinoline lady items are some of my favorites! What a cute book end too! Have a lovely weekend. Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea

  10. Love the puzzle! And the path in it. :)
