Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Late Summer Tea

Welcome!  Come join me for another tea by my flower garden!  I will be joining Bernideen in celebrating National Afternoon Tea week by linking to her beautiful blog Tea Time, Cottage and Garden.  It is a lovely day to share tea time with you!

I set the table with a new teapot and coffee pot.  The beautiful coffee pot was a birthday gift to me from my good friend Joyce.  She prefers coffee over tea, so this will be so pretty to use when I have my coffee friends over.

I found the garden fairy teapot at a store in Mackinac City, Mi.  It is marked Summer River,  BV copyright.  There is a different garden fairy on the other side.

The teapot came with this darling garden fairy box.

Mismatched teacups for tea and coffee!  I love this one, a Royal Stafford.

I am so sorry I have to end this tea time post so soon!  My lap  top just crashed with my tea time pictures.  Hopefully my note I am using will let me say goodbye.

Thank you for visiting me for my tea time!  I hope you have a wonderful rest of the summer!


  1. I love all the patterns together in your mis-matched grouping. We traveled all through your state one fall and loved the area. Had the best cherry pie ever! Hope to be back someday soon, but I'll be reading all your old posts in the meantime to get a view of your area. I'm your newest follower, number 224.

  2. Dear Nancy:
    What a lovely teatime you have set up in your beautiful garden. I always enjoy seeing what is in bloom. Your tea wares are so lovely and what a unique flower fairy teapot you have! Thank you for joining in and linking.

  3. Love your beautiful porcelain in your summer garden,so inviting!What a gorgeous white teapot!Love the teacups too!

  4. So beautiful and I love your butterfly seat!...Christine

  5. Hi Nancy,
    Your tea setting is absolutely gorgeous today. I love your chintz cream and sugar and the mismatched teacups. It's such fun to pair orphaned cups and saucers. I would love to visit with you in that beautiful garden. Blessings, Karen

  6. That coffee pot is divine! I don't drink coffee, but I would love that coffee pot and use it for tea. Who says you can't? And the fairy tea pot is so delightful! Love your tea cup too. Sorry your laptop crashed in the was all just perfect!! Hope your computer is doing better by now. Enjoy your late summertime at the cottage!

  7. Nancy, I always enjoy seeing what's blooming in your UP garden. I like themed afternoon tea parties, and it just occurred to me I could make my mini pasties for a UP theme!

  8. What a pretty outdoors tea you set up, Nancy. I love your butterfly bench and your new coffee pot and fairy teapot (sigh!). Mismatched teacups are always fun. I hope your computer issues are solved!

  9. Glad you were able to salvage your post so that we can enjoy the touches of whimsy in your lovely tea time! I adore your butterfly bench and sweet fairy teapot. I would have served tea in the elegant coffee pot. HA!

  10. Such a pretty teatime, and full of whimsical charm! The butterfly chair, the faeries, and flowers, all are so sweet!

  11. This is a beautiful setting!! I love the little frong too, so cute!!

  12. What a beautiful and elegant arrangement, I would have been the luckiest person if I had invited in that tea party.. :) XOXO

    Please visit:

  13. Your fairy teapot is so cute! Haven't seen one like that. I love the pretty! A lovely garden setting for has been too hot and smokes here to be outside at all, so nice to see the sunshine in your post!

  14. Nancy, congratulations on winning Bernideen's lovely giveaway!

  15. Hi! I love that coffee pot! How lucky you are to have it! I use to live in Pt. Huron, MI but have been to the Upper. I live in IN now. Thanks for sharing! Nancy
