Monday, March 3, 2014

Tea And A Good Book

Hi everyone!  Today for tea time I have a book I'd like to share with you.  Last year my friend Kim gave me the book for Christmas.  If you enjoy birds and nature, you will love this book.

I'm having tea in front of the window at my log cottage, hoping during tea time I would see some birds in my yard.

I found this cute Winter mug at a thrift store.  I was excited to find it as it is from the Brambly Hedge collection, made by Royal Doulton..  Those story book mice are so cute!  And they look so cozy in front of their fireplace!

The book is about a grandmother sharing her love of birds and nature with her grandchildren, and also enjoying tea time with them!  The photo's in the book are absolutely gorgeous!.

It is such a cute story, one to enjoy with the little one's!

Hoping you have a wonderful week and thank you for visiting!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday,  Friends Sharing Tea, Teacup Tuesday, and Tuesday Cuppa Tea.


  1. What a lovely book! I love books like that! And Brambly Hedge is a favorite...and that design is my favorite of the set! Had afternoon tea in it yesterday in the sunroom in the rain. Love your photos. Reminds me of when we lived in the mountains at 5,000 ft with lots of snow. I loved mornings looking out over the lake in the snow.

  2. The mug is really pretty and I would love to have a book like that, how thoughtful of your friend to give it to you.

  3. What a cozy tea time from the window of your log cabin! The book sounds wonderful and one I've not heard of before. I think my younger grandchildren would enjoy it. The Royal Doulton Brambly Hedge mug is a great find, and perfect for your tea with cookies - they look delicious! Take care my friend!
    Blessings and Hugs, Phyllis

  4. Hi Nancy,
    I love your cozy tea in front of the window. Your book sounds delightful and your new mug was such a great find. I always love visiting you for tea time. xo

  5. That mug is just so cute!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  6. I'm going to see if I can find the book for my granddaughter's birthday since we have tea outside and watch the birds.
    The cup you found is cute, what better way to spend a wintry day than with a book and cup of tea.

  7. Hi Nancy,
    I can just tell that I would love that book! The cover is adorable. The Brambly Hedge mug is really sweet and I love that china! The only other that I know who has it is Sherry @ the Charm of Home. She has several pieces of it. I am so pleased you have joined me for tea today. Have a beautiful day, my friend.

    Blessings & hugs,

  8. I don't think there is anything better than tea and a good book. I adore Brambly Hedge and you are so lucky to have found this mug. The book sounds wonderful. Happy Tea Day!

  9. I am so happy I stopped in today. I must now get a copy of that book. The male author may be some sort of a relative since my maiden name is the same as his last name... It isn't an ordinary name.... you never know. Even if we aren't related I will have to get it. We love birds here and enjoy watching their antics all winter at our bird feeding stations.

  10. Love the book, love the cup! Love the little bird, and love the view out your log cabin window in winter. Thank you for sharing it with us today. I'm here in snow to view out my window...but lots of birds. I'd love that book too...I need to look for it! I enjoyed this happy tea time moment with you.

  11. How cute this little presentation is with the book and mug and cookies. Of course the snow really tops it all off!

  12. That looks like a darling book, and I love your mug. What a great find! Perfect for a winter cup of tea.

  13. Such a beautiful book! I love birds, nature and tea, and I love this post. Thank you so much for sharing.

  14. Snow, home made cookies, and tea? Charming B. Hedge cup, too! What a nice post and sweet photos. Happy March,
