Monday, February 3, 2014

Tea Time Again

Hello friends.  I am so glad you can join me for tea today!  It has been awhile since I've been at the little farm cottage and able to cozy up with a hot cup of tea and a good book on a very cold winter day!

I'm using some of my "old faithful" tea items for tea today.  I never tire of my musical teapot!  It always makes me smile!

I have lots of books to fill my tea time with.

I am so thankful for a warm cozy cottage to spend the winter days!

Thank you for visiting and stay warm!

I will be joining the following tea parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday,  Friends Sharing Tea, Teacup Tuesday, and Tuesday Cuppa Tea.


  1. SO GLAD to come to your farm cottage tea party today, Nancy! It's so cozy, and I love your pretty tea wares. I can see we have the same taste in tea books. Yours are all in my tea book collection too. So fun to read again and again! I'm sure you're drinking lots of hot tea these days. We've had a lot of cold weather in the lower peninsula, so I know it's even colder in the U.P.
    Take care and stay warm!

  2. I just had to slip over when I saw your posting come up! We have similar posts today. This is winter right - we are inside with our books and you do have a wonderful teapot there! I love your mixing and matching as it seems much more English to me! Hope to see you link up to Friends Sharing Tea!

  3. Happy to join you for tea today in your cozy and warm cottage. It is a good day for tea and a good book about Tea.

  4. Lovely tea scape. I don't think I'd tire of a musical tea pot either. What fun! Nothing like a cozy corner, a cup of tea and a good book. Happy Tea Day!

  5. Gardening books and tea books and a cup of tea. What could be better when it is too cold to spend much time outside.

  6. Hi Nancy,
    Your teatime looks so cozy and inviting with your lovely white wick chair and pretties in your sweet cottage. It is a pleasure to visit you today! Have a wonderful week. Karen

  7. Hugs from me, too, your tea table looks so pretty. I have a musical teapot, too, very similar to yours, and yes - it makes me smile, especially because it belonged to my grandmother. It plays "Tea for Two". Enjoy a cozy cup of tea and the love of friends to restore your soul.

  8. Hi Nancy,

    I just adore your gorgeous teapot and pretties! If I didn't have to go to work I would snuggle up with a book. Your quilt is charming by the way. Thank you for sipping with me today.

  9. You have some really nice books in your library. It would be a nice way to spend an afternoon!

  10. What a perfect little spot for you to cozy up with your books and your tea. I've missed you, Nancy. It nice to see you back. xo

  11. Hello Nancy, nice to see you joining us for tea again. Cold winter days are perfect for curling up with a book and hot cup of tea.

  12. Hi Nancy, Glad you came to the tea parties today. Your cottage is warm and inviting. I love your teapot and your teacups too.

  13. Oh what a delightful place to have tea - how lucky you are to have the little cottage with all of its pretties.

  14. It looks like you have a perfect place to have tea. Love the beautiful tea cup you shared today. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  15. Cozy and beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  16. Oh lovely to "see" you at the farm cottage for tea today!
    What a sweet setting! The tea cup and tea pot are both gorgeous, and with fabulous books on tea within reach...I would say you are having a great day : )

  17. What a cozy tea time, Nancy. Sorry, I am so late visiting but I was without my computer all day until now. I love your pretty aqua touches and you have a wonderful collection of books to read. Love the teapot and your pretty teacup. Thank you, dear friend for coming to tea.


  18. What a cozy spot for tea, and it looks like you have some wonderful books there to read. A musical tea pot sounds charming.

  19. So glad to see you back here again. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Your tea time looks relaxing and refreshing. A wonderful way to spend a winter day.
    Someday we will have that tea party here in Florida when you can come down again. Until then, be warm and cozy by your fire, and feel the warmth of our hugs. Blessings to you today.

  20. You have the perfect little corner for a cup of tea and some reading. I see we have many of the same books but you have a few tea books have not seen before.
    Thank you for your visit and kind words a few days ago.

  21. I can see you are a true tea aficionado... lovely colors and sweet sentiments.... makes for a very romantic and delightful setting!
