Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tea For Three

Hello tea friends and happy August to you!

A couple of weeks ago I had a little tea for my friend Sue who lives in the next town and is a tea lover, like me.  My daughter was in the area and came for tea, too!  I decided to have tea indoors and use my Grandmother's chintz tea set.  It was made in occupied Japan and marked ucagco.  It being a very warm day I served iced tea and used the teacups to hold dessert.


The pretty hand painted goblets were done by a very talented friend I met last winter in Florida.

The menu was simple.  Chicken salad on baby greens, fresh fruit, cheese and crackers.  Scones from the bakery, brownies, and white chocolate pudding with strawberries.



My friend Sue sipping tea.

And my  sweet daughter enjoying tea time.

After tea Sue was kind enough to give me tips about blogging.  She has her own blog named  Serenitea-sb,  and  has a wonderful talent writing about things dear to her heart.

Thank you so much for visiting.  Stop by next week and we will have tea in the garden!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  A Return To Loveliness, Tea In The Garden, Teacup Tuesday,Tuesday Cuppa Tea, and Share Your Cup Thursday,


  1. Oh yum! It all looks delicious and pretty!

  2. What a lovely tea! Your chicken salad looks like what I make, with the grapes in it. Yum, you just reminded me that I need to make that again!
    Thanks for sharing,

  3. Everything looks so delightful! The pattern on your china is very pretty and your menu sounds delicious :) May you have a blessed Monday!


  4. Love your dining area! Your friend and daughter was blessed by your thoughtfulness. Yummy food and beautiful china too.

  5. You know, with a view like that - anything would taste wonderful. But your food looks incredible too ! Lovely table with that view and what fun you had!

  6. The table looks lovely with a delicious lunch. How fun that Sue and your daughter had hats on, I'm assuming you did too.
    Don't love making a simple gathering special with the details?

  7. Your table setting is so lovely with such pretty china decorating it. The chicken salad looks delicious and so does the strawberries with pudding. Happy Tuesday! ~Michelle

  8. I always enjoy visiting your tea, sweet Nancy, indoors or out in the garden. What a pretty tea you've set with those lovely goblets. Your menu sounds wonderful and the dessert in the teacups is a great idea. I'm sure Sue and your daughter had a fabulous time. xo

  9. Hi: Your table looks so pretty and your friend looks like she is having a ball. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  10. What a pretty table. Everything looks so lovely. The goblets are so delicate. And your daughter is gorgeous.

    Have a great week.


  11. What a lovely tea party with fiends!
    The table is lovely and the food looks delicious!

  12. Your tea looks inviting - I love chicken salad and fresh fruit for summer tea! Your chintz china and the painted goblets are gorgeous! So much fun to share with friends and daughter :)
    I am delighted that you shared with A Return to Loveliness,
