Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Visit To My Garden

Hello and welcome!  Would you like to join me for tea and muffins?  Later we can take a stroll around my yard and see what is blooming in my garden.  We'll have tea on the deck along with my  Red Ramblin rose.  It is making such a pretty show this year!  I've set the table with my Mom's  Blue Onion dishes she bought at Woolworths years ago.

The little table runner is a thrift store find.  I think the little lady is so cute hurrying with the tea and the kettle is still whistling!

Looking down from the deck you can see my four square garden, rustic gazebo, and potting shed.

Let's take a walk around the yard and see what is blooming on this beautiful day.  My four square garden in the side yard is at it's peak right now.

That's my potting shed in the background all covered with ivy and hops vines.

The Ramblin Red rose climber is way up over the deck.

Nellie Moser clematis on the arbor.

Let's walk to the front of my log home.  Lots of flowers here!

Love the Hollyhocks!

I hope you enjoyed the tour of my flower gardens.  Summer is a magical time around here!

Thank you so much for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful week!

I will be joining the following parties:  Make It Pretty Monday,  Tea Time Tuesday, A Return To Loveliness, Tea In The Garden, Teacup Tuesday, Cottage Garden Party, Share Your Cup Thursday, Sweet and Simple Fridays, Home Sweet Home, Feathered Nest Friday, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. Oh my goodness, Nancy, I think you live in paradise. What a lovely home. Hollyhocks are one of my favorite flowers and it's so nice to see them in your post. I love your blue and white china. Your tea table is very welcoming and I wouldn't mind one of those muffins at all. Deb

  2. Nancy I am so in love with your beautiful cottage garden. I would love to join you for tea in such a pretty setting.:)

  3. Beautiful Nancy! I like your straw hat garden pick, how cute!
    Have a great week,

  4. I loved Woolworths when I was a kid. You could find the most surprising things there sometimes.

    Your garden is absolutely gorgeous. Especially love your ivy and vine-covered potting shed. It looks magical!

  5. Hi Nancy,
    I love your garden and table setting! It is just perfect! I also remember going to Woolworth's with my mom. Those dishes are so pretty! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful week!
    Take care,

  6. Oh my, your garden is a wonderland of flowers. I could stroll amongest it all day. I love you teaset and the table runner is so pretty and cute!
    Thanks for having tea and sharing your wonderland.

  7. Hi sweet Nancy! The tour of your garden was absolutely wonderful and your flowers are just breathtaking. And I love your table runner :)

    Hugs to you!

  8. Your gardens and tea setting are so wonderful. Love the clematis and hollyhocks especially.

  9. So lovely! I wish you could come to Florida and show me how to plant such a beautiful garden! I can almost smell your roses and flowers from here! Love the dishes, table cloth, love it all! Thank you for sharing this with us today. I feel so refreshed now!

  10. I just love your yard. I wish I lived close I would be in that back yard. Your flowers are blooming so beautifully. The runner is just perfect with the table. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  11. You certainly have a green thumb! Your garden is a lovely place to take tea. I like the blue onion china which was your mother's. The flowers are really splendid and the photos are very pretty. Thanks for sharing!


  12. That is amazing that you have that tea set from Wolworth's. The runner is really fun. Your garden is really beautiful! Love it and your tea on the deck - so glad you linked!

  13. Oh Nancy, your garden is amazing!So many flowers!
    What a perfect tea to have in such an environment! Lovely blue china, lovely runner, lovely view... well lovely everything!!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Nancy, you have such a beautiful garden and I love the light pink hollyhocks. What an amazing place to relax and have a cuppa tea! The Blue Onion china is so pretty and it's nice that it belonged to your mother. Thanks so much for the tour and the refreshment. Have a lovely Summer, my friend.

    Blessings & hugs,

  15. Oh my! You live in a flower wonderland! Your gardens are spectacular, and your tea table is practically within that beautiful Rambling Rose bush! You must be in heaven out doors for tea : )
    Summer is indeed magical at your home!
    Thank you so much for sharing your tea time in the garden.

  16. Your gardens are lush and colourful and the red rose in the corner by the tea table is gorgeous. Blue and white is such a refreshing combo to use on a tea table.

  17. If I had a garden like this.... I think I would be in it every day having tea! :)

    Have a lovely week!

  18. I am a french lady who lives in French bretain and my english is so bad... but your garden is so beatiful ! I dream to have the same ! and your blue tea cup are as I love !

  19. Dear Nancy,

    That's a BEAUTIFUL garden! What a pleasant post! All the snaps make beautiful note cards.Enjoyed visiting your blog for the first time:). Saw your link at Martha's favourites.

  20. Oh Nancy, I always just swoon when I visit your garden and tea. The blue against the red roses is simply stunning. Aren't you lucky to have your mom's blue onion dishes?? Your vintage topper is just darling. You find the prettiest things at thrift stores, I must say. Thank you for the tour of your yard, which looks like a little piece of heaven. xo

  21. What a wonderful garden! Full of color - thanks for sharing.

  22. You are indeed Blessed-not only with family, but a beautiful and amazing garden! Your little straw hat is just precious!
    Happy Hugs,

  23. Thank you so much for the tour. It's beautiful!

  24. Oh my gosh Nancy your garden is absolutely gorgeous! Stunning roses and Hollyhocks. It's so full of color. I love it! Your tea is beautiful and I love the little tea towel. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. Nancy, your garden is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. You will be one of the features tomorrow at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House! Pop on over and grab a feature button for your blog. Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  26. I would love to join you for a cup of tea at that pretty table. Blue and white china and embroidered linens are among my favorites. Add to that the view of your beautiful garden, and it's truly perfect!!

  27. Your garden is stunning! Everything is picture perfect and the Ramblin Red rose...WOW! It's the perfect setting for your tea table.

  28. Wow your garden is so beautiful!

  29. Hi Nancy, just hopping back to let you know that I will be featuring you at SYC later today.

  30. I love your gardens, Nancy! How colorful and lush they look, particularly around the front of the house and the foursquare garden. Your home is beautiful too. What a stunning rose, pretty tablecloth, and a nice tea setting. I'd love to have tea in your garden with you!

  31. I am sharing your lovely garden today as a feature at Home Sweet Home!

  32. Good Morning Nancy, I love your red rambling rose, it is so happy where you have planted it as it looks spectacular.
    Your garden is beautiful and it reminds me of our English cottage gardens, full of colour and texture.
    Thank you for inviting me,it was a pleasure to stroll around your garden and such a treat to drink tea from your beautiful blue and white teacup and saucer.
    Nancy, I have really enjoyed my visit and I have become a new follower.
    I would like to invite you to visit me at Ivy, Phyllis and Me! when you have a moment.
    Best Wishes to you,

  33. Aaahhh, the red rose. It looks so lovely in your garden. The color is vibrant and pretty.

