Monday, July 1, 2013

Tea By The Bleeding Heart Flowers

Hello and a happy July to all of you!  Thank you so much for stopping by!  For tea this week I invited two little cuties over for a tea party.  I placed the tea table in front of my Bleeding Hearts that are by the potting shed.

I thought I'd use my very small teacups, more suitable for the little ones.  The first teacup is of the Moss Rose design and the other a soft rose, unmarked.  The pink saucer is not the mate for the soft pink teacup, but looks pretty to me.  It is marked Bavaria.

The napkins are my old hankies I had since I was a child.

Well, the girls are here for the tea party!

The tall dolly is my daughter's and the smaller one I bought at a thrift store for my granddaughter to play with.

Thank you again for your visit!  I hope you don't think I'm entering my second childhood, playing with dolls!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday, Tea in the Garden, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Teacup Tuesday, A Return to Loveliness, Cottage Garden Party, Share Your Cup Thursday, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. I love your bleeding heart's moss rose china and your dolls. Such a pretty setting for tea.

  2. Such a pretty tea party! At first I thought the teapot, etc. were regular sizes, and that made the bleeding heart look gigantic!

  3. Hi Nancy! I love your pink theme tea party positioned next to beautiful Bleeding Hearts. They coordinate perfectly. The ceramic lamb [is it a planter?], children's books, and cute child handkerchief all indicate that a tea party for "little ones" is about to take place! How wonderful that you still have the hankies from your childhood. Thanks so much for sharing your "Dolls Tea Party" with us. It's precious!
    ~ Phyllis

  4. What fun! Lovely teascape (love using your hankies for napkins) in the garden with the dolls. Fun! Happy Tea Day!

  5. this is a very pretty and fun post!

  6. I LOVE your tea time with your dollies!!! You ARE a girl after my own heart, as you will see if you ever get to come visit my home here in Florida! We could have a tea party with my dollies! My mother collected dolls, and I kind of took after her without even meaning too...inherited some, have been given gifts of many others...and I just can't seem to let them go. So might as well have fun with them! Thank you for sharing your tea time with us. It was delightful!

  7. You've chosen a nice place for your pink tea Nancy and the china is pretty. Wish I still had some of my childhood hankies; my Dad used the big cloth white ones all his life.
    Look at the dollies are dressed up for tea - they could easily come and join me me this week!
    Your bleeding heart is huge, with all the rain I ended up with a very short plant this year.

  8. What an adorable tea party! The girls are dressed so beautifully, Nancy. Love the napkins too, especially the kitty one! Your garden is looking lovely too. Have a great week!

  9. Hi sweet Nancy, your teas always put a smile on my face! I love that you still are playing with dolls. That makes life fun! Your bleeding hearts are gorgeous and those childhood hankies are treasures. As always, I love your setting. Thank you for sharing. xo

  10. what a lovely tea, was thinking of bringing dolls the other day to a tea. I had that exact doll, hands are the same, face is alittle different but not much. Your bleeding heart is lovely too. Thank you for sharing...

  11. Oh gorgeous! That's the largest bleeding heart I have seen...the ones I have seen are usually shrubs. Wonderful! Your table is lovely, and a perfect setting! The doll's tea is so cute! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  12. Nancy, what a darling tea! The bleeding hearts look so pretty with the tea setting and your guests are so cute! I love the soft pink saucer with the teacup. Just lovely! Thank you for sharing and coming to tea. Happy 4th of July, my friend!


  13. Oh you surprised me with the dolls! I thought is was a full size tea! lol! I love those pink you think they would fit me? : )
    Your tea cups are very sweet and I love that little tea pot too. The bleeding heart looks stunning in your beautiful tea setting.
    I hope the girls had a good time.

  14. I love your playing tea party. This is the sweetest garden setting in the bleeding hearts! I love everything dolls, teacups and saucers, teapot and vintage hankie! I think I am in my second childhood also and love your creation!


  15. I love everything including the bleeding heart, the setting and the dolls! I envy you I wish I could grow bleeding heart its so pretty. Take care, Darlene

  16. Hi Nancy,
    with this tea setting you got me. When I saw the fuirst pictures, I thought: "Whow, what a huge bleeding heart plant. I have never seen one like this." But later I realized this tea table and chairs are dolls size. LOL Such a cute setting and the ladies are beautiful. Thank you for sharing this wonderful little tea party.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  17. This is sooooo darling! Love that bush or plant? Bleeding hearts as it is huge! Everything looks so fresh and watered in your garden!

    What a darling tea with these dolls and thanks you for linking!

  18. I have alway wanted to grow bleeding hearts! Your look like they are growing wild. They are so beautiful. Is that a "Chatty Cathy" doll? I think I had one just like it. Very cute post. Hugs, Martha

  19. Gorgeous tea! Bleeding hearts are so beautiful :) Thank you for the delightful tea and enjoy your day.


  20. Happy Pink Saturday!! Thinking about how blessed we are to live in a free country... and to be able to visit all around the world from my big cozy chair...have a blessed week-end !

  21. Us girls are never to old to play with dolls Nancy. Is the tall one Patty Play Pal? Your Bleeding Heart is gorgeous! Mine were so lovely earlier this Spring. Just cut them clear off yesterday. Nothing like tea in the garden with gorgeous dishes, bleeding hearts, and dolls! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. Your Bleeding Hearts are beautiful and abundant !Ours are finally dwindling, but the hummingbirds still flock to them. You are having so much fun with your tea-time, aren't you ? Lovely.

  23. I just love this set - would love a life-size version of the sweet pink chairs - looks so sweet with the bleeding hearts draped over the table - never, never too old to play with dolls! We play with our houses just the same don't we :)
    so very delighted you shared with A Return to Loveliness,

  24. Hello Nancy, thank you so much for sharing with A Return to Loveliness, your post will be featured in this week's party,

  25. Our bleeding heart plant appears to have died. I miss it. I think some weedkiller was misapplied by someone in the garden. So it's a delight to see your beautiful bleeding hearts!

  26. Gorgeous flowers- never seen these growing in person. So romantic!

  27. Beautiful yard and tea party. Love the dolls!
