Monday, January 14, 2013

A Year of Tea Time

Hello everyone,  we had a safe trip to Florida and I'm enjoying really nice warm days.  I've been to a couple thrift shops here and hopefully will find enough items to do a tea party post from here before we head home. In the meantime I thought I'd share some tea time posts from 2012.

In January of last year I did a post about my antique highchair and my Christmas teacup.

February was a Valentine post.

In March I gave a Spring tea with a picture of my sweet Granddaughter and me.

April is all about my Easter tea.

The month of May started my outdoor tea's.  This one by the pond.

A June tea was under the rose bower.

A Patriotic tea for the 4th of July.


In August my Granddaughter and I had a Victorian tea.

September was a Harvest time tea.

In October I posted about a Pink Aster tea.

November brought me inside for the tea's.......a Fireside tea.

In December I gave two Christmas tea parties.

My friend Sue (on left above) recently started a lovely tea blog called SereniTea-sb.  I know she would appreciate it if you would stop by to meet her and leave a comment.

Thank you so much for coming by to visit me and I hope your January is going well.

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Teatime Tuesday, A Return to Loveliness, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Friends Sharing Tea, Share Your Cup Thursday, Feathered Nest Friday, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home, Show and Tell Friday, and Pink Saturday.


  1. Hi Nancy! Glad you arrived in Florida safely. I enjoyed your year in review of teas. Each one is so lovely. Noticed the red transferware in May's tea. Enjoy your time in Florida, and I hope you find lots of tea-time treasures while you're there!

  2. I tuoi té sono meravigliosi!Bai,Rosetta

  3. Enjoy your Florida visit. I found many wonderful tea things in the thrift shops I visited when I was there in December. I enjoyed the review of your 2012 tea photos.

  4. Hi Nancy,
    I loved your retrospective of last year's tea time posts!
    And a good idea to use during your stay in Florida.
    Have a great time there, in warm weather!
    Hugs from Portugal

  5. It was fun looking back at your teas from last year. My favorite is August - your granddaughter looks beautiful! Love all of your teas in your pretty garden as well. Enjoy your trip!

  6. I loved them all along the journey and now in review!

  7. I enjoyed looking at all the different teas you have had last year. Your gardens are a beautiful spot to enjoy a cup of tea. Pamela

  8. What a beautiful post of all your lovely Tea's through out the year!!

    All were very pretty!!


  9. Hi Nancy and Happy New Year! How lovely to be spending time down where there is some warmth. I enjoyed your tea in review and there are such lovely photos of them all. I especially liked the Victorian tea with your little granddaughter! Beautiful setting and silver but the loveliest is of course your little one in her frock and hat! Thank you for coming to tea and have a wonderful day.


  10. Hi Nancy,
    Loved your review of all your beautiful tea times! Your grand daughter looks darling in her pretty hat and dress. Love the victorian tea! Wishing you a wonderful week!

  11. Now I can post! lol! I wonder why I couldn't earlier. I do love your tea party visits through the years. All of them are lovely!

  12. What a lovely year in retrospect post! Loved all the originals too! May this be an even more pleasing year. Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  13. Wow..what a gorgeous post full of beauty and tea-time charm! Magnificent garden and blooms and enchanting tea photos! Wonderful!
    Happy Tea

  14. I loved revisiting all your pretty teas, Nancy! I hope you're enjoying the warmth and sunshine.

  15. Hi Nancy: Your house looks so interesting, especially the yard. My favorite tea cup is the second one with the large rose. Have a wonderful week. Thanks for sharing, Martha

  16. Wow! I really enjoyed all those lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing....Christine

  17. Love the monthly theme teas and seeing them altogether is a fun idea!
    sandy :)

  18. Loved looking at your monthly tea delightful and each one uniquely beautiful! I hope you are enjoying Florida...we live here in the Ocala National Forest. Are you near this area? We are having a very warm and beautiful week. Welcome!!

  19. Greetings ... such a lovely teatime review..My favorite is your lovely grand-daughter dressed to the nines in such elegant teatime finery( ha Ha) ..She such a sweet Teatime Miss...Lovely posting...Hugs

  20. Hi Nancy,

    I enjoyed taking a stroll through your teascapes! So many wonderful pictures and gorgeous teacups.

  21. Lovely post. I hope you enjoy your time here in Florida.

    Jocelyn @

  22. Oh my what a beautiful post!!!! Happy Pink Saturday!!!

  23. Hi Nancy, I always adore your teas. The garden ones have to me my favorite and oh how I love those roses in June! I so enjoyed this look back my friend. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  24. Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing at Simple & Sweet Fridays!

