Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Restful Tea

Hello and happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  I was blessed to have all of my family here for Christmas eve and on Christmas day also had my extended family for Christmas dinner.

It is quiet this morning and it feels so good to take some time to enjoy a leisurely cup of tea with toast and some very special Christmas jam.  Kitty of "Kitty's Kozy Kitchen" sent me this delicious jam for a thank you after winning my giveaway last month.  The recipe is on Kitty's blog if you would like to make some.  I love the bright red color of the jam.  So pretty and yummy!

I've placed the tea tray on my favorite bed quilt I use for winter.

I love taking time and looking closely at the lovely Christmas cards I received this holiday season.  Its such a joy to hear from friends and relatives this special time of year.

The teacup is filled with Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice tea.  That has been my favorite for the Christmas season.

The unmarked dishes are from a set of four I gave my Mother-in-law years ago.  They came back to me with only one teacup.  Hopefully I can find three more!

Thank you for visiting me during this special holiday season and leaving such lovely comments.  I will be taking a break from blogging for a couple of weeks as we head south for a few months.  God bless and happy New Year to all of you!

I will be joining the following blog parties:  Teatime Tuesday, A Return to Loveliness, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Teacup Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, Share Your Cup Thursday, Teacup Thursday, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. We all need a restful tea after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, even as wonderful as they are. Your tea looks lovely! Harney's Hot Cinnamon Spice is my hubby's favorite winter tea. I'm drinking Cranberry Autumn this morning. Blessings to you and your family in the New Year, Nancy!
    ~ Phyllis

  2. What a lovely tea, so colourful, with beautiful china and a yummy Christmas jam!
    Thanks for sharing, my friend.
    Hugs from Portugal

  3. What a pretty tea! The quilt is lovely and so is your Christmas cup and saucer. The red jam is pretty and that was kind and generous of Kitty to send it to you. Enjoy the warmer weather down south, and Happy New Year, Nancy.

  4. That was the sweetest post, dear Nancy! I'm so glad you love the Christmas Jam. Your dishes look so pretty...I just love them. Enjoy your trip down south. Happy New Year to you!!

  5. Happy tea day, Miss Nancy! A lovely trio for tea, too. I passed one up in a shop that looked very similar. I had to keep my focus shopping for others, not myself, this past December! Perhaps I will come across such a treasure in the off season at the right price. Meanwhile, I can enjoy your pictures and dream. Have a great trip - hope there are forthcoming photos!

  6. Happy New Year! So glad you had a wonderful Christmas! The jam is gorgeous...almost a shame to eat it! I love your winter quilt. Have a nice break...I certainly enjoyed mine and am feeling so much better! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  7. What a pretty tea tray and I love the china! Have a Happy New Year!

  8. What a wonderful post ! I love it that you linked to Friends Sharing Tea! Your post is very sweet.

  9. Pretty post. I love sending and receiving Christmas cards. Can't bear to part with them either. Glad you are enjoying your lovely red jam and I bet you can find more of those cups...the hunt will be fun.
    Happy, joy-filled new year!

  10. You have set up a beautiful and thoughtful tea! And your Christmas china is perfect! I do hope you can find other pieces to replace the missing ones.
    I hope that your trip south is great, and that you get the rest you need.
    Happy 2013!

  11. Hi,
    So nice to meet you and visit your charming blog - you are serving one of my favorite things - tea and toast with jam!

    Have a lovely blog break. I am now following your blog.
    Happy New Year.

  12. Hello,you made really a wonderful post. And the tea set is so pretty. What a pitty that just one cup is left. I wish for you, you will find some more. Thank you for the sweet tea time and for your visit and the sweet comment.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  13. How beautiful the china is and with that piece of bread and jam..couldn't be more appealing! Wish I had some tea in that gorgeous teacup! Thank you for your sweet and kind visit. Looking to visit each other in 2013 as well. Have a wonderful new year.

  14. Inspiring post and quite lovely photos to go with it.

  15. Nancy, what a lovely tea you have set. Kitty's jam looks delicious. What a sweet gift! I love getting Christmas greetings from friends and family. Have a wonderful get away. Looking forward to your safe return. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  16. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful post at Simple & Sweet Fridays. Happy New Year!

