Sunday, June 17, 2012

A June Tea

Welcome everyone and hope you all had a great Fathers Day!

My Hubby and I enjoyed a small tea  near our greenhouse along side a beautiful patch of flowers called Dames Rockets.  They self seed every year with the help of the birds!  I googled Dames Rocket and found out there are many other names for the flower such as:   Damask Violet, Mother-of-the-Evening, Summer Lilac, and Queen Gilliflower.  I just love those sweet old fashioned names!

The dishes I'm using are a set for two with the Lily of the Valley pattern on them.  The back is stamped Alfred Meakin, England.  I was so happy to find them at a thrift store as Lily of the Valley is one of my favorite flowers and so much fun to use in the springtime.

I used to start most of my annuals  and perennials from seed using my greenhouse in the spring.  Now its mainly used for potting plants and storage.

Hope you enjoyed my flowers and Tea along with my greenhouse.  My flowers are really starting to bloom around here and  finally looks like summer!

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you can come back soon!

I will be joining Sandi's "Savor the Summer" Tea Party,  Bernideens "Tea in the Garden", A Return to Loveliness, Cottage Garden Party, Simple and Sweet Fridays, and Home Sweet Home.


  1. What a wonderful way to celebrate together! I just love your tablescape - it is so pretty!

  2. What a beautiful setting for tea! Your bistro table is so pretty! Love the color and the table is gorgeous! I have been studying your greenhouse...would love to see more pictures of it! I have been wanting one for some the style of yours! Beautiful post!
    Miss Bloomers

  3. Gorgeous! What a lovely setting! Nothing more beautiful than natures backdrops.

  4. I tuoi tea sono sempre belli!n questo di giugno adoro la fantasia dei mughetti!Mi piacerebbe sedermi sotto l'ombra dell'albero!Baci,Rosetta

  5. What a beautiful tea! Your setting is gorgeous.

  6. What a dreamy little tea. I absolutely love the Lily Of The Valley china. It's just so pretty with the rustic building as back drop. Love it!

  7. What a beautiful spot for afternoon tea! I love Dame's Rocket. They grow wild out in the country here in Ohio. I didn't know they had all those other names. I love the name "Mother-of-the-Evening."
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. Such a pretty garden tea. I love the Lily of the Valley on the china...wonderful find! Happy Tea Day!

  9. Hi Nancy,
    Your tea table is so very charming set there by the potting shed. I love your pretty Lily of the Valley china! A simply delightful tea! Thank you for coming to my party and have a lovely week.


  10. A lovely tea table by your quaint garden shed. I had to remove my Dames Rockets as the soil was too rich and they grew extremely tall and fell over. Now, wishfully looking at yours, perhaps I'll reintroduce them to the garden.

  11. Nancy, what a gorgeous setting and your photos are soooo pretty.

  12. Another lovely outdoor tea setting. Your Lily of the Valley dishes are very pretty. My mother's china [which she passed on to my daughter] was Lily of the Valley and just beautiful!

  13. Love it all, the tea set is beautiful, Lily of the Valley is such a pretty aromatic flower. The setting is beautiful, love the greenhouse that is so charming. Eyed the cupcakes too, that is my weekness. Thank you for sharing

  14. Hi Nancy! So lovely to meet you over our cuppa teas this week. I've had a delightful time reviewing all your sweet teatimes of late and look forward to more in the future. You live on a property - and in a log cabin - that my husband talks about in his dream! We share many things in common - not the least of which is our thankful hearts to the goodness of God in our lives. Thrift store finds, tranquil settings, and teatime are just the icing on the cake!

    Oh! And a bit of whimsey you share in making a place for the "little people" of childhood imaginings. I couldn't do what I do if I did not stay connected to my inner child and fancy. I love to play about with story involving the little vintage finds I come home with from thrifting and antiquing.

    Off to enjoy a friend's garden this afternoon - be on the lookout for a post on that score!


  15. So lovely! I LOVE your June tea and your cute greenhouse! Your yard is gorgeous!

  16. So Beautiful! Your setting looks like it's in the pages of "Romantic Homes Magazine"! I LOVE Lily of the Valley too and what a FABULOUS FIND. It is PERFECT with your green cake plate. All your details are PERFECT! I love your little greenhouse, It is "SO CUTE" and a perfect size. The flowering Dames Rocket against it is GORGEOUS! I love those, and every year I plan on buying some "BUT" have not done it "YET"!!!
    Thank you for sharing a delicious cupcake with us today,
    Big Hugs,

  17. So sweet and lovely, I love the lily of the valley setting...I Have one Royal Albert May Tea cup & saucer it has pretty and nice to share with hubby...have a great and lovely day...with love Janice

  18. Oh...I love this setting next to the little vintage building....very charming!

  19. Such a romantic setting. Love your greenhouse/potting shed and Dames Rocket is a great plant, I think I see a pale yellow iris to.

  20. What a pretty table and setting! The flowers by the greenhouse make the perfect backdrop!

  21. I feel like I just enjoyed Tea Time magazine! The composition is just perfection!!

  22. I am just loving this - the setting is idyllic, the flowers gorgeous and that you had that time with your husband - priceless!
    I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  23. what a beautiful setting in your garden for tea! thanks so much for linking up to this weeks garden party! love it! xoxo, tracie

  24. a beautiful post, everything looks so inviting. I love your white teapot with the curled handle and your setting by the shed is perfect.

  25. What a lovely way to spend the afternoon. Everything is so inviting.
