Saturday, May 12, 2012

Indoor - Outdoor Tea

Hello and welcome,
I have a day all to myself and want to get out in the garden later.  Its still too cold out for a outdoor tea so decided to do tea in front of our large windows in the dining room.

I found the teacup at a thrift shop for a quarter!  There's no mark on it but matches a saucer I have quite well.  The plate is one I found thrifting also.  The marking reads Smith Taylor USA

In the background is my fairy garden I winter over indoors.  Its very lush and overgrown.  Once I bring it on my porch for the summer I'm sure the garden fairies will start trimming their little yard!

This is my favorite chair to sit in, surrounded by six large windows.  I love to watch drink tea and watch the birds and squirrels enjoying spring.

I've been wanting to join Bernideens "Friends Sharing Tea" showcasing all the lovely Tea settings.  So, on a whim I took the tea tray outside and took a few pics with my daffodils and primroses.

Here I set the tray on a chippy old lawn chair (hmmm, a white cloth would look good under the tray!).

Lastly, I thought I'd show you a fairy garden I made in our old rusty wheelbarrow.  Come June 1st after the last frost deadline I'll plant annuals in it.

Thank you so much for taking time to stop by and visiting me.  I always enjoy your visits and comments.

I'll be joining the following fun parties:
Tea Time Tuesday, Return to Loveliness, Friends Sharing Tea, Home Sweet Home, and Show Off Your Cottage Monday.


  1. What a lovely room to sit and enjoy tea in with all those windows. I love your fairy gardens and can't wait to start creating my very first one :)

  2. Your sitting room is just perfect. I love all the china on the shelves and the beautiful, big windows. Deb

  3. OH so pretty..your tea cups and flowers and that fairy garden is adorable! I've been wanting to plant one too. Think I need to start looking for fairy houses! Yours is gorgeous! Love your sitting room too!
    Miss Bloomes

  4. A lovely tea and I love your fairy garden in the wheelbarrow (one of those is at Linderhof as well!)

  5. Hi There!
    I love your fairy gardens! I have one too, but it's all outdoors and I bring in all my little stuff for the winter. I love your cottage with the ivy (and baby tears?) and your arbor with the cute bird houses tied to the sides! Super cute! The wheel barrow one is adorable! Very creative! I painted a few pieces too because they didn't show up well and I like color!
    Thank-you so much for visiting my blog and it's wonderful to know a fellow Michigander! My Dad was born and raised up in Calumet! Beautiful part of the UP! Here is a link to my posting last year for the fairy garden, just copy and paste if it doesn't work as a link.

  6. What a beautiful sitting room. I love all your miniatures too! Very cute. Happy Mother's Day! New follower.

    Love, Jody

  7. Hi Nancy, so many wonderful things I don't know where to start. lol! I love your fairy garden that is overflowing with lush foliage. My friend has one with a metal arbor like yours and I love it. I hope to find one for mine. Your wheelbarrow is going to be so cute when you add the plants. I can't believe you got the teacups for 25cents. They are so pretty. Love, love the tray on the chippy blue chair. Your garden is so gorgeous! Wish I lived close and we could sit and sip a cup of tea.

  8. Oh, forgot to mention. I would love if you shared this or another post with my Share Your Cup Thursday this week!

  9. Adorable! I want one! Love your tea set, too!

  10. Such a lovely spot for tea! I love the fairy gardens.

    Thanks so much for your visit and comment.

    I found out since my post that the tablecloth is vintage and worth up to $90.00. Can you imagine my shock! I just bought it because I liked the colors. Obviously the owner had no idea what she had!

    Have a great week.

  11. I love your fairy gardens! I bet they enjoy tea, too! Your new teacup is lovely and quite a find! It likes like a perfect match to the plate. I like your presentation of the cup on the lovely linen doily on the plate. Happy Tea Day!

  12. Oh how lovely, indeed!

    I especially love the blue chippy garden metal chair - it photographed so nicely!

    I thoroughly enjoyed your tea today, thank you very much!

  13. Everything looks so love. These dishes are a delight and your sunroom and garden! Very lovely!

  14. Hi Nancy,
    Your sitting room is a perfect spot for sipping tea! Love all those windows!
    How cute your fairy gardens are! I look forward to seeing them once they are filled with fairy flowers. Thank you for sharing your delightful post with us at Tea Time and have a wonderful week.


  15. Hello! I just love your fairy gardens - they're so much fun! Such whimsy! I cannot imagine it still being cold! Our daffodils came and went February through March! So much fun to see how others are faring this time of the year - lovely tea post - I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  16. Your tea cup and saucer are really stunning. You got a great deal! I also enjoyed seeing both of your fairy gardens - they are spectacular!

  17. What bargains you found! I love your fairy garden so very much. I want to make one with my granddaughters. If you have any tips, I'd love if you'd share them.

  18. I just love your fairy gardens. And, the cozy room with all the windows where you have your tea is lovely.

  19. Hi Nancy,
    thats a cute idea to make this fairy garden. And what a luck to find the matching plate The set is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your treasures and your inviting home and garden.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  20. So pretty! I love your fairy gardens.
    Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  21. What a lovely room with a beautiful view. I can see why you would love to have your tea here. I love your yellow daffodils and primrose. Your fairy garden is very creative it! Thanks for sharing!

  22. I just found your blog through Bernideen's. A lovely view, setting, and I knew I saved lots of miniatures for a reason - a fairy garden or two, with my granddaughters. I'll be back. Come visit me. HopeChest and All Things Tea

  23. I loved your room, and your tea tray!
    I also want to make a fairy garden!

  24. I love your blue outdoor metal chair. I smile each time I see one because they bring back happy memories from my childhood. Our chairs were bright green, but otherwise were the same.

    Your fairy gardens are both very cute. The first one is my favorite. I hope it warms up so you can enjoy more of your garden soon.

    Thanks for visiting my blog this week!

  25. Nancy, I just love your Gnome home in the wheel barrel. It is heart warming to visit a blog after being away so long. Please send me your email address or put it onto your profile so I can contact you, hugs.
    Just love yellow primula. Thank you for stopping by.

  26. Nancy,
    I love that setting near the primroses. Your fairy garden is wonderful. Neat idea with the garden in the old wheelbarrel.
    Have a good week.

  27. Your indoor and outdoor photos are lovely -- they should be in a magazine!

  28. Just found your blog I'm your newest follower! What a great place to enjoy a cup of tea! Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing!



  30. Hi I came over from Jann Olsons Share Your Cup where you'd been featured. Love your post. And that darling chippy blue chair with your tea things just made me smile. Loved it. But then I like all your tea things you've shown. There just seems to be something so special about relaxing with a warm cup and a friend or two. You have a charming blog and I'm now following you. I'd love to have you drop by and would be honored to have you as a follower too. So delighted to meet you!



    PS Jann and I live just around the corner from each other and what fun it has been becoming friends!

  31. What fun! It is amazing how beautifully things look in the natural light! Happy tea time!

  32. Your fairy gardens are precious. I have just got to start one of these somewhere. I think my grands would enjoy it.
    I've just become a follower and hope you'll come visit me at and maybe you'll follow back. THANKS.


  33. Just strolling through your posts, and love this wheel barrel. It looks like the my dad's he gave me from when he was a young man. I use it as a planter, too! This looks so cute with the fairy garden!
