Thursday, January 4, 2018

A Blue January Tea Time

Happy New Year dear friends!  It is a blue tea time for January!  I have always liked how blue transferware and the white pristine snow go so well together!

Cold, snow and more snow,  a good time for soup and a hot cup of tea!

I found my teapot at a antique mall in Appleton, Wisconsin last November while on a shopping trip with my sister.  The Enoch Woods English Scenery teapot  is a new shape for me.

The soup tureen is unmarked, but seeing I paid only $14.00 it does not matter!

Sweet Milli Joy sitting so pretty in her Christmas dress.

Molasses cookies, a favorite of mine, to end the meal with a couple more cups of tea!

Thank you so much for stopping by today and for all the special comments.  After thinking long and hard about my blog I have decided to say goodbye.  I have enjoyed getting to know so many of you dear friends over tea time.  A special thanks to Bernideen,  Ruth, and  Sandi for your weekly tea parties.  I shall miss sharing and the fun, but will still be enjoying all your posts!  I recently started  Two Cottages and Tea on Instagram if you would like to follow me there.

Wishing many blessings to you and a very happy New Year!

I will be joining Ruth's Tuesday Cuppa Tea party and Bernideen's Friends Sharing Tea party.



  1. I love all your blue china and your doll is so pretty there in her chair having Tea with you.
    I am sorry to hear you will no longer blog. I will try to find you on Instagram.

  2. Oh, I will miss seeing you here. I will try to find you on Instagram. I love your blue dishes...all so pretty against the white snow. And your doll Milli Joy is adorable. I know she is a JOY to make you smile. Please stay in touch. Maybe we can meet some time if you ever do make it back to Florida. Have a blessed and Happy New Year. Try to stay warm!!

  3. Your window view is totally amazing with the snow. The blue transferware is perfect there and makes for a stunning table. Thanks so much for sharing and Happy New Year!

  4. Wonderful tablescape!Wonderful pictures!I will miss you...Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year! I've always enjoyed your lovely tea settings so I'm sorry to hear that you will no longer be blogging. I recently joined Instagram so I will follow you!

  6. Happy New Year, Nancy! Since blue and white is my favorite you know I love this post. The teapot and tureen are beautiful! Will miss you from blogland. I'm not on Instagram so will have to check into it. The popularity of blogs has changed, and bloggers are rethinking the commitment of time they require. Of the 20 listed on my sidebar, 7 are no longer active and 3 have cut back considerably. Not sure how much longer I'll hang in there. Blessings and hugs to you, Phyllis

  7. Nancy, The blue and white is my favorite patterns. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  8. I love any color as long as it's blue :) Love the transferware! The snow is gorgeous. We lived at 5,000 at a mountain lake for 30 years, and occasionally miss the snow...not mostly...NOT! The Enoch Woods pattern is a favorite. Perfct for a wintry day. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea! A bit happens...with unexpected company thrown in!


  9. what a gorgeous table setting, I love the tea pot shape and you paid $14 !!!!!! for that tureen lucky find for sure
    it all looks so pretty with the quilt on the chair and the snow outside. Magazine picture for sure

  10. Oh Nancy,
    You will be missed in Blogland! I absolutely love all of your beautiful posts and your blue and white transferware in these pics have me swooning! The background of snow is so perfect for January. I do understand why you are no longer blogging. I have not been blogging as much either and I am impressed by the faithful bloggers and their commitment after so many years! Hopefully you will have more time for tea parties now. Blessings Sweet Nancy! Karen

  11. Happy New Year, Nancy! Looks like a snowy view out your window. Much like ours. Your blues are lovely and I do believe we both have the same tureen. I got mine for Christmas a few years ago. No name on mine either but it's pretty. I do like the shape of your Woods teapot and those cookies look wonderful! Little Milli is adorable sitting there in her chair. Wouldn't it be lovely to get together for tea some day? Thank you for your visit and take care, dear friend. Hugs...Sandi

  12. Hi Nancy!Have a lovely day!Hugs,Maristella.

  13. Just checking back to see if you've changed your mind! Thought of you as I was having a cup of tea!

  14. Awesome posts...Gorgeous china.I miss you...Hugs!

  15. Your blue and white dishes are lovely. Sorry to hear you won't be blogging anymore. I understand. I have slacked some on my blog also. I am following you on Instagram. Happy New Year! Thelma..

  16. Hi there! My name is Laura. I have just found your blog and I love it!!! It is everything I love..... tea and cozzyness. Your last entry is January 2018. I would love to know about you and what happened. I hope you are well. Love from Quilmes, Buenos Aires province, Argentina.

    1. Hello Laura, thank you for your sweet comment! I am well and am currently on Instagram under the same name Twocottagesandtea_
      I hope you will follow me there!
      Blessings to you!

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you Bernideen! I still enjoy your blog! For some reason I cannot leave comments or reply’s on your and other blogs.
      I am on Instagram under twocottagesandtea_ if you would like to see more.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
