Thursday, June 8, 2017

Garden Fairy House

Our weather has been beautiful the last few days and I'm so enjoying it!  My flower fairies are back in my gardens after a long cold winter, so the other afternoon I had so much fun decorating the outside of a doll house for them!  The doll house is large and solid, but needs some TLC, but my flower fairies don't mind if it is a little run down!

I set up a tiny tea table and two comfy chairs to welcome the garden fairies back to my yard.

The little fairies posing for me!

A visitor for tea arriving on a frog!

Lace curtains, shiny necklace, and flower vines to make the house pretty for the garden fairies.

Thank you for visiting!  By now you probably know I have a big imagination!

I will be joining Tea In The Garden, and Home Sweet Home parties this week.


  1. How absolutely wonderful! I love your fairy house and children will dance for joy when they see it. The new little neighbor girl just came into my garden for the first time.bbSuch fun!

  2. Oh how I LOVE this fairy garden/dollhouse! I want to come join the fairies for tea so badly!!Please may I join them? I don't know if I can shrink enough to get there...but I can imagine and pretend along with you. I just LOVE this little garden. Even the frog! Thank you for sharing. It makes me want to have one like this here...someday!!

  3. That is the best fairy house I have ever seen. I love your imagination and creativity.

  4. Oh, I love this!!! What a fabulous idea for the garden! All your details, like the tea area and the fairy on the frog are just so cute. You reminded me that I have a wood dollhouse in the attic ready to be assembled. I am afraid our awful weather in Upstate NY might ruin it though. For now I have a small fairy garden in an enamel bowl!

  5. Oh my gosh, that is too, too cute, Nancy!! I just love how you play in your garden. The fairies must love their pretty home.

  6. I share in your big imagination! A great trait to have! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  7. Love the house and the blue chairs are precious! Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  8. Oh! How! Cute! I'm sure the fairies love their new house and were more than
    happy to take up residence in it! Hooray for summer!

  9. Hi Nancy,
    Your dollhouse is so dear! I never had one as a little girl and wish I had. I think it's wonderful that you are still enjoying yours and using your imagination! Have a Wonderful Week! Karen

  10. Absolutely charming!! Sending lots of thoughts of dollhouses and little wheelbarrows and many, many tiny creatures and fairies to populate such an enchanting scene.

    My own fairies have just installed a pink Fairy Door on a 6x6 post in the basement kitchen, to whizzz them from basement to attic and all fun ports in between.

    Simply delightful, and I'm happy to meet you!

