Thursday, December 1, 2016

Christmas Cup Of Tea

Just a quick cup of tea to share on my favorite tea party blogs!

Christmas decorating and shopping on my mind, but taking a few minutes to reflect on this special season.

The sweet teacup is named Holly, from the  Royal Albert flower of the month series.

Please excuse the blurry photo's!

I've added a faux woods tree by the fireplace this year.  I placed it in my old doll sleigh for height along with some teddy bears and my cute little plaid stuffed moose.

A cozy setting to enjoy a cup of Downton Christmas tea and a couple of  sugar cookies!

Thank you so much for stopping by!  Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season!

I will be joining the these special blog parties:  Friends Sharing Tea,  Tuesday Cuppa Tea, and Teacup Tuesday.


  1. Dear Nancy:
    I love your fireside setting. The tree looks so sweet around your stone fireplace surround. You picked the perfect teacup to match Edith Holden too! Thanks so much for sharing your holiday teatime setting.

  2. Hi Nancy,
    Everything looks so cozy and quaint. That Royal Albert Holly teacup really is a collectible. Thank you for sharing your pretty cottage. Blessings, Karen

  3. Oh that looks so inviting!!! I love the carriage and the tree...and fire...and the book and the tea cup and everything! Thank you for bringing a happy smile to my face! So delightful!!!!

  4. What a cozy setting for a cup of Christmas tea! Love all the pictures. Merry Christmas to you and your family! ~ Phyllis

  5. It all looks so cozy and cumfy wish i had a fireplace... Hapoy weekend with love Janice

  6. What a cosy and beautiful fireside Christmas respite you have shared with all of us! I think that is one of the prettiest holiday teacups out there. And I absolutely LOVE that book, too.

    I sure wish I could grab a cuppa and a wooly throw and sit with you, my friend at this warm and wonderful tea time. ♥

  7. Your RA Holly teacup is lovely! Your pretty vignette inspires me to enjoy more tea by the fireside.

  8. What a cozy fireplace, and I love the tree. And the china! Downton Abbey Christmas tea is my favorite. I think I'll have a cup now.

  9. Beautiful! How I would love sitting by your fire sipping tea from that beautiful cup. Thanks for visiting me today.

  10. I always enjoy visiting your cozy cottage, Nancy! Your teacup is soooo pretty and I love the tree in your carriage nestled with the bears and moose. What an inviting setting!

  11. It looks very cozy by the fire for tea and cookies. I was gifted a used copy of the same book at one time but it had seen better days with loose pages and a musty odour. Too bad, because I believe Bernideen has it as well and shares the lovely drawings inside.

  12. Such a cozy looking place to enjoy that adorable book! Lovely holly teacup! Those are hard to find around here. Take care and happy holy days leading up to Christmas!
