Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Late Summer Tea On The Deck

Welcome to teatime this week!  I just got back from a week long trip to the beautiful Leelanau Peninsula in Michigan, but wanted to share simple tea I had last week on my deck at home.

My Hop vines were at their peak.  Years ago I planted a few from my Mom's yard and they have took off wonderfully.  It is hard to grow vines here in Upper Michigan where the winters are so cold and long.

My unmarked teacup is so fragile you can almost see through it.


We have had such beautiful weather this summer!  Perfect for outdoor tea.  Hopefully our fall will be warm and long!


Thank you for visiting and I hope you have many beautiful days in your part of the country!

I will be joining Bernideen this week for her Tea In The Garden party.


  1. Lovely setting...I love the white flowers, teapot, tablecloth, etc., and then the delightful delicate teacup that adds just the right amount of color, with your sweet angel lounging in the background! You have the perfect place for outdoor tea parties. I would LOVE that. It's been too warm and humid here, but fall is coming and hopefully some cooler temps and lower humidity. That is when I come back alive!!!
    Hope you are doing well. Please let me know if you make it to Florida this year!

  2. Thank you Pam for your sweet comment! I hope your weather cools down soon so you will feel better! If we make it to Florida I will definitely let you know!

  3. So pretty lovely lace table and your teacup is very pretty too. The blooms are pretty on the vines as well. So lovely everything. Happy weekend with love Janice

  4. What a lovely spot for tea! I've never seen hop vines before. They are beautiful (as is your entire garden)!

  5. Hi Nancy,
    Your outdoor tea time is so exquisite today. I love the white lacy tablecloth and white teapot and your teacup is so dainty. What a gorgeous spot for tea! Blessings! Karen

  6. I always enjoy visiting your beautiful teas, Nancy., with such a lovely setting. I have never seen a hops vine, but isn't it pretty? You're so lucky to be surrounded by all that beauty. I hope the weather stays warm for you for awhile.

  7. Dear Nancy:
    This is so wonderful to have this hops vine! I never had one but back in the early 90's I used to sell the whole vine and people hung them on the wall - over beds, etc. (back when dried flowers were the rage). I love the way you have it in the back ground. Your table looks so sweet and love love the cup and saucer colors! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I always enjoy your pretty garden tea settings! I'm also admiring your beautiful yellow, lustreware teacup.

  9. Beautiful setting- such a cute table ♥

  10. Your hops vine makes a really pretty backdrop for this tea. Lovely!

  11. Such a lovely late summer tea! Beautiful hops vine! So nice to meet you at The Grand!

  12. Dear Nancy,
    Your hops vine makes a beautiful backdrop for your tea time! Your lace and white flowers make it look so very feminine. The teacup is a pretty one. Hope you have a beautiful Autumn, my friend.

    Blessings & hugs,
