Thursday, June 30, 2016

Tea With Violet

Actually tea with my violet dishes, but Queen Gilliflower has made her home in my garden and  I thought we would have tea with her also!

My violet teapot was the first teapot I purchased new way back in the 80's.  The two matching teacups are marked Japan and the little beauty of a teacup is a Queen's Rosina named Violets.

It is early morning here with a nice cool breeze.  Perfect for a cup of  Clipper Wild Berry Herbal Tea near the flowers.  I am so glad you could join me!

Thank you so much for visiting!  Have a lovely week!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Bernideen's Tea In The Garden and BTTCG,  No Place Like Home,  Tuesday Cuppa Tea, and Teacup Tuesday.


  1. Beautiful and peaceful setting. xo

  2. Your violet china is lovely, Nancy, and your garden pictures are always beautiful. Your garden doesn't look like you're experiencing drought in the UP like we are downstate. They're promising rain tonight and tomorrow. I always enjoy visiting your blog! Hugs, Phyllis

  3. Gorgeous Nancy! One can never have enough violets on a tea table. What a serene and beautiful setting!

  4. Absolutely the most charming and enchanting place for a tea - so peaceful and beautiful. Love the flowers - and the teapot - and the cups - and the linens. It is all stupendously wonderful. I'd have tea there every day.

  5. Purple is my favourite colour so I'm loving your pretty violet tea setting!

  6. A lovely violet-themed tea indeed. The setting is perfect with purple flowers as a backdrop. I admire the teapot and its traditional shape. How nice to have the presence of Queen Gilliflower grace your table pretty lace-covered table. Have a safe and happy 4th of July. Jill

  7. Dear Nancy:
    Such a beautiful setting for your tea time vignette and the frog is such a fun touch with the fairy. I love your magazine selections and all your tea time pieces. Beautiful linens. Thanks so much for sharing and linking.

  8. What a pretty tea table, Nancy! I love the whimsical touch with the frog and fairy. Your violets are so summery and sweet. Purples are lovely especially this time of year. I just got my flowers on the weekend. I'm very late this year because it has been so cold. But I got huge baskets of purple petunias. A variety called Bordeaux and they are extremely hardy which is good! Thank you for sharing with us and Happy 4th of July, my friend!


  9. You set the prettiest outdoor tables, Nancy. Your violet theme is so pretty and peaceful. The fairy atop the frog is adorable, and your your tea choice is such a pretty shade, and I'll bet tastes divine. Happy 4th to you!

  10. Oh so lovely! I love Violet Teapots and tea cups...they are so delicate and sweet, like the violet flower itself. Such a beautiful setting for a tea party. I've almost convinced my hubby that a trip to see the UP of Michigan should be something to consider...Probably won't be for a while yet, but it has been added to my "bucket list". I'll keep you posted. And remember, if you get back to FL, please try again to get together.

  11. Oh my! Total romantic setting! Your tea table is absolutely stunning in your garden with those beautiful flowers surrounding your table set in similar colors! This must have been a very enjoyable tea time indeed : )
    Your violet tea ware is all just so very pretty.
    Wishing you a lovely week,

  12. Ahhhh, it's all so pretty. I haven't used my purple tea things for awhile. You have inspired me! Lovely post. I like the little building in the background.

  13. Dear Nancy:
    I love this setting with the purple phlox blooming everywhere. I remember your little building there. Everything looks so lovely! Thanks for sharing your sweet fairy and frog too!

  14. Your setting is so pretty I love the purple flower back ground and the shed. It's just perfect. I also lobe your pretty teapot and violet teacup. Very nice. Happy weekend with love Janice

  15. I am featuring your lovely post at No Place Like Home this week, Nancy. Wishing you a beautiful day.

