Monday, January 26, 2015

Favorite Teacups and Teapots

Welcome!  Today I want to congratulate  Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage on her fifth anniversary of her lovely Tea Time parties she so graciously invites us to every week.  When Sandi first mentioned her special anniversary tea, sharing our most favorite teacups or teapots, I tried to come up with a favorite, but there are so many wonderful memories connected to my tea treasures, I couldn't choose just one.  I know on top of the list though would be the cherished gifts from loved ones no longer with us.

My precious daughter's gift of this teapot holding so many   happy memories of the day antiquing and enjoying lunch together.


The teacup from the Grand Hotel my daughter gifted me with and the wonderful weekend we had together on Mackinac Island.

My paternal Grandmother's teacup I am so thankful to have.

My maternal Grandmother's tea set.  I remember so well as a child seeing this set in the very china cabinet I now have.

I am using my Grandmothers tea set for tea time today. The colors are so fresh and spring like, a little pick me up on a cold grey winter day!

The teapot is fill with a couple cups of English Tea Shop "Sleigh Ride" tea. An organic green tea.  We certainly have enough snow for a sleigh ride!

The pistachio macaroon's are in a vintage bowl that was my mom's. It's the first time I have been able to find them here and they are very good!

I guess that is why I like tea time so much, a time to use a favorite teacup and teapot that holds so many wonderful memories for myself and others.

Thank you so much for visiting me and for all the lovely comments you gift me with.  Wishing you all have a wonderful week!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday,  Friends Sharing Tea, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, and Teacup Tuesday.


  1. I love them all, don't think I've found a teacup or teapot I don't like. The green one from the Grand Hotel is my favorite.

  2. Those were ALL so lovely! I especially like the tea set you chose for your tea today. But that was a difficult choice...they were all wonderful, with such precious memories attached. Thank you for sharing them with us. I'd love to share a cup of tea with you on this chilly winter day....although here in Florida it isn't quite as chilly as where you are. Blessings to you today from the sunny south!

  3. Your grandmother's tea set is gorgeous! I especially like the purple roses. I agree that the teawares gifted to us are special because of the cherished memories associated with the giver.

  4. I love ALL your posts, Nancy, but I think this is one of my all-time favorites. Hope you're staying warm up there in the UP! Hugs, Phyllis

  5. Hi Nancy,
    I know choosing a favourite tea cup or teapot is difficult when they hold so many special memories. Most of mine are like that too which is why I also had to feature more than one. Your grandmother's tea set is a treasure and I'm glad you have it now. Of course you know how much I love transferware so the first teapot would be my favourite. The green teacup is lovely too. You really do have a green thumb judging from the Christmas cactus I see. What a beauty! Thank you for sharing your beautiful treasures with us as well as the lovely memories that accompany them. And thank you for helping me celebrate my Anniversary Tea Party. I always enjoy having you, my friend.

    Blessings and hugs,

  6. All of your lovely pieces in such a sweet spot for tea. Such light!

  7. Just lovely! I love all the china...couldn'thaving china with family connections. I love the way the macarons pick up the green in the chintz too! Perfect! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  8. Oh my - so many lovely teapots and cups and saucers. That one from your grandmother is just amazing. I also love that chair to the left - how wonderful!

  9. Nancy like always very beautiful teapot...
    nice to have one from your grandmother !
    I also bought old tableware last week, it
    will be soon on my blog...
    have a very nice week,
    greetings kathy

  10. You have so many beautiful treasures with beautiful memories attached. I love the transferware teapot and you are so lucky to have your grandmother's tea set. I swooned seeing the pistachio macaroon's! ;)

  11. Oh Nancy, I had tears in my eyes when reading all the special memories you have with each of your treasured teapots and teacups. I love your grandmother's set, but the teapot that your daughter gave you just stole my heart. Tea is such a gentle time and it's so nice to remember our loved ones with their gifts.

  12. Hi Nancy,
    Your grandmother's pink rosy tea set is just stunning! I am wondering what pattern the china is. It's so pretty with the green depression glass and lovely cookies. Everything is perfect! Thank you for sharing such beauty! Karen

  13. You have so many lovely memories to go along with your lovely tea china. That's the best kind.

  14. I love your Grandmother tea cup. I have never seen one like it. It's stunning. Thanks for sharing all your lovely treasures. It was a great visit. Blessings, Martha

  15. I enjoyed seeing your teacups and teapots associated with sweet memories. Your tea time today is truly lovely. :)
