Monday, June 30, 2014

Tea With Poppy

Hi everyone, the last couple of days have been beautiful here.  Nice and warm!  My poppies are just starting to open, they don't last long so thought I better take advantage of the sunny day and enjoy tea with them!

The Lady's Mantle is also blooming.  I just happen to have a lace tablecloth to match their color, and filled a small vase with the flowers.


The teacup is unmarked and the glass teapot was a gift from my dear sister.  Bigelow's Constant Comment fills the teapot.  A black tea flavored with rind of oranges and sweet spices.

Sorry the cookies don't look the best, but they sure were good!  They are Heath Bits peanut butter cookies.  The recipe is on the package of Heath Milk Chocolate Toffee Bits.

A garden fairy came for a sip of tea!

Thank you so much for stopping by!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday,  Tea In The Garden, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Teacup Tuesday, and A Return To Loveliness.


  1. So pretty! I LOVE your garden! The poppies are such a pop of color. I gave my daughter in law a glass pot for her flower teas. Love them. Constant Comment is a favorite, love the Imari teacup and the cookies look delicious! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  2. What a pretty garden, all green with a hint of a special fairy dust in the air. I loved your teapot. Come visit my site for a Texas 4th of July table, Pam

  3. I couldn't help but notice the twig/wood gazebo thingie back in the garden. I hope you will do a tea in front of it sometime. Your poppies are lovely. Seems like each flower goes so quickly and some even faster! This post was lovely and so glad you shared!

  4. I so love all of your delightful tea times...What fun it would be to come and sip tea with you in your garden. Everything is so bright and cheery.
    I know you enjoy that...and I am enjoying from afar. Someday I hope to have more garden tea parties...when I retire and when it is cool enough outside to do so...Florida summers are a bit too warm to sip hot tea outside, (although I do it often early in the morning before the temps rise too much). Thank you for sharing this time with us. I love it.

  5. Hi, what a beautiful pictures , how nice the green color of your tablecloth with the very beautiful
    teacup ... I think I will collected also tableware with
    Always difficult for my to write in English I hope you understand my comment ?
    Have a very nice week

  6. Nancy, your garden is a delight and I just love the green lace tablecovering! The poppies are lovely and your tea sounds wonderful. I have one bag of that left and I will have to make a cup. Thank you for sharing and joining me for tea. Have a wonderful 4th of July, my friend!

    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Beautiful poppy garden tea. Love the fairy who joined you too! Have a wonderful week.

  8. The poppies are beautiful, and so is your tea setting. My favorite tea to sip in the evenings is Constant Comment (decaf though!). Nice to have the fairy for company :)

  9. Such a lovely spot for tea! and in a glass teapot - I always love how inviting tea appears in glass!
    Ty for sharing your garden teatime today -
    I'm celebrating Canada Day July 1st with some Ice Wine tea, if you'd like to pop round - Welcome =)

  10. How bright and beautiful are those sweet red poppies against the lush green grass! You've set a wonderful tea, very tempting for your fairy!

    Happy 4th of July!


  11. What a lovely spot to enjoy some constant comment tea and a cookie, Nancy! Your Poppies are so vibrant against the green. I've never hear of Lady's Mantle, but I love the shade of green. Happy 4th to you!

  12. Beautiful setting for a tea. Looks so nice and quiet, perfect for meditating.

  13. Your poppies are delightful. And I love to use the "heath bar bits." I always keep a bag handy.

  14. I'm glad you took advantage of a tea in the garden while the poppies were blooming. Mine are finished but they are a favourite flower. That's a pretty little fairy that flew in to join you.

  15. Your yard and garden are SO beautiful! What a lovely place to sit and relax with a cup of tea. Love the fairy! Enjoy your holiday weekend, Nancy.
    Hugs, Beth

  16. I love your yard. It always makes me feel so peaceful. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  17. Your yard is so pretty and peaceful. The poppies are wonderful and definitely a good companion for your lovely tea! I really like how the lace tablecloth blends in so well with the foliage.

  18. I love poppies and what a beautiful lush green garden/yard. Beautiful
