Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tea With The Daffodils

Hello everyone and welcome to my first tea in the garden for this year!  True spring is still struggling to come to my part of the country.  Just a week ago we had three inches of snow and now it seems to rain everyday!  We had a few nice days though, and my daffodils finally started to bloom.  Even though the day was cool I couldn't wait to have tea with my sunny daffodils!

Blue and yellow always look good together, so I used an old quilt for the table and a special tea set.  The coffee pot, sugar, and creamer were a wedding gift almost 49 years ago!  I was happy to find the teapot at a thrift store years ago.  The pattern  Heritage by Royal Sealy, made in Japan, was quite popular back in its day.  My sweet cousin Jan came over the other day and gifted me the beautiful pansy's.

I think the teacups are so cute  with the scene of a couple on their way to the village of Avon.  I'm afraid when I take time for tea I do daydream about the quaint scenes on my teacups!

Well, I'm not going to eat all the lemon shortbread cookies.  I was saving some for you!

It's getting too cool to sit out here much longer, so will grab the rake and get back to raking the gardens.

Thank you so much for stopping by! 

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, Teacup Tuesday, and Tuesday Cuppa Tea. 


  1. Hi Nancy! Your first garden tea of the season is lovely. The yellow daffodils do indeed compliment your blue tablescape. Blue is my favorite color, so I'm especially enjoying this tea. Love your Heritage set by Royal Sealy, and its wedding significance. So nice that you were able to find the teapot to match. Have a wonderful week!
    ~ Phyllis

  2. Hi Nancy,
    I love your blue and white china with the yellow daffodils in the background for your outdoor tea today. What a pretty tea set. You have taken such good care of it. I sometimes give away things and regret it afterwards.
    Your cousin's gift of pansies certainly perfect your setting! Have a wonderful week! Karen

  3. What a beautiful table setting and tea set. It looks warm and inviting.
    Blessings, Catherine

  4. Blue and white china will always be my favorite. And you tea is so inviting. Would love to be able to stop and and sit a spell.

  5. Oh my! Absolutely quaint! I love your collection of blue and white. The tea cups too are outstanding!
    I am sorry you have had such poor weather. I hope soon you will be enjoying more seasonal temps.

  6. Nancy, your daffodils compliment your blue and white so well and the china pieces are so pretty and perky. This is such a pretty table setting!
    I love daffodils but I don't have any and I wish I did. The crows won't leave our flowers alone. I am happy to have the few I do have. My hubby had fed the crows for years until they started biting off the heads of all our posies. That's when Hubby got cross and stopped feeding them. I think they have been having their revenge ever since.
    Thank you for sharing your pretty tea table and joining me for tea. Hope your week is going beautifully.


  7. A beautiful tea table set up outside so you can enjoy the daffodils.

  8. Your tea table is absolutely gorgeous.....and so are your pretty bright lovely daffodils. Mine have been gone a month now already. they never stick around long enough, and they really left fast because they got snowed on a few times. : - (

  9. Love your table. I have the TEA Pot,bought it at a yard sale. How nice to see the rest of the set!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Very beautiful tea set ... so nice your table...
    have a lovely day
    greetings kathy

  12. How beautiful! That beautiful quilt brings all these pretty colors together to welcome spring!

  13. I too, love the yellow and blue together, perhaps our Scandinavian heritage. It's the colors of happiness - blue sky and bright warm sun. I love the tea cups too. You have a knack for gathering the right cloths and pots and cups to coordinate. This is such a cheery setting, I wish the same for you, Nancy: blue skies, warm sun, and happy days once again.
