Monday, March 17, 2014

A Bluebird's Tea

Hello tea friends and thank you for stopping by!  I have been looking forward to joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for her special Bird Lover's Tea to celebrate spring.  I've rounded up my bird theme tea items for tea today.

I bought the bluebird tea set years ago at Cracker Barrel.

I'm using my bird print scarf for a table runner to go along with the other birdies.

The pretty plate with bluebirds on it was a gift from a dear friend.  It is called Song of Promise from the Nature's Poetry series.

I love the darling teacup candle my daughter-in-law made for me.

This week some friends are coming over for tea, so I am going to use the same table settings.

I am using two teapots.  This one is from my Mom.

For favors I  rolled up scrapbook paper, punched the eyelet trim, and filled the cone with spring flowers and a truffle.

I'm afraid it will be quite awhile before spring arrives here!  We have about two feet of snow on the ground!  Decorating the spring table has lifted my spirits, though!  Thank you Sandi!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday,  Friends Sharing Tea, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, and Teacup Tuesday, and a Return to Loveliness.


  1. I love it! Those are the cutest bird dishes. I sure we had a Cracker Barrel around here! The scarf is perfect with the bird print. So cute! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  2. Your bluebird teaset is adorable and the paper eyelet cones are a perfect addition.

  3. Your bluebird teaset is really cute! I find Cracker Barrell has some great and different giftware when we get to visit on our travels. We have to drive as far as Portland, Maine to find one!

  4. Hi Nancy,
    Your friends will be delighted to have tea at your table. It is really sweet and I love the bird motif on each piece of china. The plate is gorgeous and how lovely it looks on the table. I wish we had a Cracker Barrel here.
    We still have lots of snow too but it's not going to last forever. Spring will come soon! Thank you for joining me for tea, sweet friend, and have a wonderful week.

    Blessings & hugs,

  5. The bluebird dishes and teapot are cute. Your friends that come for tea will love the theme and the paper cones you created.

  6. Well it doesn't get any cuter than this! What a fun posting and darling tea dishes. Loved the colors of the blue and red together!

  7. I think your set of bird plates and tea pot are so cute. They look so fun. Wish I had some. Thank you for sharing these beauties with us. Blessings, Martha

  8. Cute cute bird set!! We actually have a cracker barrel here but have only been once. I guess I should check out their gift area more often.

  9. What a cute set! Love it! Tablescape is so cheery. Have a great week!

  10. Your Spring tea is so lovely.Those blue birds made me smile. Cracker Barrel is such a fun shop! I have never seen something so darling there.They are expressive. Your DIL candle is such a perfect touch.

  11. What a pretty tea set, Nancy! It makes for such a pretty tea setting. I hope Spring arrives soon for you.

  12. The Cracker Barrel set is so cheerful. Love all the blue birds for tea. Clever cone idea too. Your guests will enjoy.

  13. Such a cheerful flock of bluebirds come to tea at your place - two feet of snow notwithstanding! If we can't have spring outside, we shall make it inside - with tea. I'm sure your friends will be treated to a lovely time and thoughts of spring with your bluebird tea theme. A joy to share in it with you!

  14. Gorgeous set!Perfect for Sandi's theme this week-amazing.I just love home made gifted candles in tea cups.So sweet a gift from someone so dear.Denise

  15. What a sweet little birdie tea! Very cheerful!

  16. Love your bluebird tea set...I can see that it was a lift to your spirits to celebrate the coming of spring with these adorable little friends. Enjoy your tea party later this week. You deserve a lovely day.

  17. Love your tea set! Looks very retro. the little blue birds are adorable! And I love the blue of the tea pot from your mother. such a pretty shade! The cones you made from scrapbook paper are great! I will have to remember that idea! I live in Michigan, too, though not so far north as you, but I can commiserate with you on this long, long winter!!

  18. Oh this is lovely! The little bluebird reminds me of the distlefink bird I use to tole paint! Haven't visited in a while. Nice to see your darling tablescape.

  19. Hi Nancy,
    I just loved visiting today and seeing your bluebird collection. I wish I had a mom tea pot. Cracker Barrel is a fav of ours when traveling.

    We are going to be a long time till Spring also, we are under 5 feet of snow here on Prince Edward Island,
    take care

  20. What a cheerful little bluebird tea table you have set! Love it!

  21. Hi Nancy,
    I love your bluebird teaset. It is just adorable! What a good idea to use your scarf as a table runner. Everything looks like spring. Thank you for visiting me. I love your beautiful furniture in the background. Happy Spring! Karen

  22. Nice to meet you.
    Visiting your blog has been a pleasure
    I love that blue bird!

  23. How beautiful! Today's calendar says spring is here, but in our area it is long from coming, as you said. We are so sorry to have missed this beautiful spring birds setting, but when the weather is better, we'll plan an afternoon of tea with friends. Love, Ruthie and Sue. Take Care, Nancy!

  24. What adorable china. Love the little birds. Perfect for spring! Love the paper cones! How pretty.
    You live in a log home.... how awesome.... and have a cottage of your own. My husband built me a very large shed in the back yard. I've turned into my own "little house".
    Have a lovely weekend.

  25. Hello Nancy,
    this blue bird tea set is really darling. So happy little birds. I love the whole table. All matches perfect and makes a real spring feeling. Thank you for sharing this sweet tea time and for your visit and the sweet comment on my blogpost.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  26. What a cute, adorable set! Lovely collection and a pretty gift both from your friend your daughter in law:)Your handcrafted cone is a beauty!Everything is so cute :)

  27. I like your tea-party favors, and the teapot is so cute. Blue birds, perfect for a cheerful spring tea time.

    What a creative idea, using a scarf for a table accessory !

  28. What a delightful tea - your new teapot is lovely! I am delighted that you shared with A Return to Loveliness,
