Monday, November 4, 2013

A November Tea By The Fire

Hello and happy November to you!  I am so happy you can join me for tea today!  It is windy and cold out, and I just came inside from the outdoors tucking my gardens in for the winter.  I need a cup of hot tea to warm me up!

The tray table is by the fireplace waiting for me, so I grabbed an old magazine, brewed a cup of  Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea, and now I am ready to sit a spell and relax.

The teacup is unmarked and I found it at a resale store.  I thought the orange flowers pretty for a fall day.

It has been in the low 40's all week and looks like it will be that way or colder from now on.  A busy time for the tea kettle!


Thank you so much for stopping by.  Hoping where you live you can stay warm!

I will be joining the following parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday, A Return To Loveliness, Friends Sharing Tea, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea,  and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. Lovely post! I love Country sad they aren't publishing. The teacup is a lovely old Staffordshire Imari and was made before 1891. I love the colors too! Your weather sounds like was frosty and 32 this morning. Keep warm by the is so inviting! Your Harney choice is a favorite!

  2. Good Evening to you, It may be cold and windy outside, but you look warm and cosy inside your home with your fire glowing. I love your Imari cup and saucer, it is so very beautiful and how lucky to find it at a reasonable price.
    Enjoy your tea and Country Home Magazine.
    Best Wishes

  3. Hey, my post today (and tomorrow) is about tea too!

  4. Hi Nancy,
    You have yourself a cozy fireside tea and that is a pretty teacup you found. It's cold here too and we even had some ice pellets earlier. It's only going to get colder here too. My kettle will be busy as well. Thank you for sharing and joining me for tea and have a lovely week, my friend.


  5. Oh Nancy, that is such a pretty tea you've set in front of the fire. It looks so cozy and inviting on that pretty table. I wish I was there to join you, dear friend. xo

  6. Hi Nancy,
    your phoos look so inviting with the fire and the tea setting. Its cold and rainy here, too. So hot tea is always welcomed. Thank you for this lovely tea time.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  7. Hello Nancy:
    I see the reflections in your pictures of such a lovely room and stone fireplace surround. Very lovely setting for this special tea time. Also, a beautiful Cup and Saucer!

  8. Hello Nancy:
    I see the reflections in your pictures of such a lovely room and stone fireplace surround. Very lovely setting for this special tea time. Also, a beautiful Cup and Saucer!

  9. Hello Nancy:
    I see the reflections in your pictures of such a lovely room and stone fireplace surround. Very lovely setting for this special tea time. Also, a beautiful Cup and Saucer!

  10. Looks so inviting! We aren't quite chilly enough yet here in Florida for a fire, but we're getting there! Too bad I don't have a fireplace!
    Love your tea cup and magazine, etc...wish I could join you!
    Thank you for inviting us in to share with you today. This was refreshing.

  11. Hi Nancy,
    Your tea by the fire is so lovely today. We both had the same idea this week. I love your autumn tones! Thank you for visiting me! Have a wonderful week. Karen

  12. Hi Nancy, What a cozy tea party by the fire. With the time change and cooler temperature, tea is very inviting these days. We don't usually have a fire in our fireplace until the holidays, but your fire is definitely giving me the desire for one. Have a great week!
    ~ Phyllis

  13. Hi Nancy, I love your setting for tea in front of the hearth. The fire looks welcoming. Your teacup is pretty! Love it. I like Harney's Cinnamon Spice tea also. It's great for warming you up after being outside in the chilly weather!

  14. Hi: It looks so nice by the fire. I love to do that. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  15. It sounds really chilly at your place. Hot cinnamon spice tea sounds perfect. Your new tea cup is very lovely, and looks wonderful in your cozy setting.
    Happy November!

  16. There's nothing like tea and a good magazine by a cozy fire when the temperature dips.

  17. What a cosy little teatime! I love the tray table you used, it's absolutely gorgeous.

  18. Hi Nancy,
    The weather is still warm around here, but the dark and rainy Fall days already ask for a cozy spot to drink tea. Your tea table by the fireplace with a magazine and a cup of tea seem the ideal place to be! And the tea cup is lovely!
    Thanks for sharing. Hugs

  19. Lovely setting near the fire place:). Makes me feel warm and cozy :).

  20. Dear Nancy,
    So cozy and inviting. The scene draws you in for a comfortable tea time.
    Happy weekend, Ruthie

  21. Hello Nancy - lovely, cozy November tea - a beautiful setting and wonderful occupation after a day of taking care of your garden - I am delighted to share that your post will be featured in this week's A Return to Loveliness,
    I do appreciate you sharing,

  22. What a Lovely November tea time!
    Enjoy the wekeend!

  23. Nancy, that teacup is perfect for Fall. I love the vibrant colors! Ahhh, nothing like a warm cup of tea and a magazine to read on a chilly afternoon.

  24. Oh what a lovely spot for a hot cuppa tea :) Sitting by the crackling fire with a hot drink and good book is always a joy. And your tea cup is beautiful!

    Have a wonderful week. Hugs to you!
