Monday, June 3, 2013

Tea and Cherry Blossoms

Hello and happy June to you!  We had a couple of warm days last week and my cherry tree next to the deck  is giving such a beautiful show of blossoms. I decided to have tea as close as possible to enjoy the sweet aroma and the beauty of the cherry blossoms.

I'm using a teapot and teacup that I found last year at a thrift shop.  The teapot is marked Occupied Japan.  I love the sweet pink and blue flower spray and the elongated style of the spout.

The teacup is unmarked but has a pretty shape to it.

You can see   a little bit of my yard with the flower beds.  Not much blooming yet.  We are way behind last year, as it has been a cold spring for us with just a few warm days here and there.

We are expecting a frost tonight.  I sure hope that will be our last one! Hopefully this week I'll buy my annuals and fill my window boxes and flower pots.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit me.  I always look forward to hearing from you!

I'll be joining the following parties this week:  Tea in the Garden, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Teacup Tuesday,  Table Top Tuesday,  A Return to Loveliness, Cottage Garden Party, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home, Show and Tell Friday, and Saturday Showoff.


  1. Your tea table is so pretty set against the white cherry blossoms. I see your deck is off the ground too, but not up in the tree tops like ours. :-)
    A nice teapot and teacup you found.

  2. How absolutely gorgeous it must be to sit out there!!! What a beautiful setting

  3. Absolutely stunning! Your table is so beautiful and lacy and the cherry blossoms are divine :) Thank you for sharing your photos with us - they were lovely to look at.

    Hugs to you!

  4. oH..THIS IS JUST breathtaking and I had to look and see where you live - the blossoms are delightful and your table is lovely! So pleased you linked at Tea In The Garden!

  5. What a beautiful spot to sip a relaxing delightful tea!
    That tree in full bloom is an amazing sight! And the china very pretty, too!
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous - a beautiful background for your tea. Your tablesetting is lovely - Dearest would love your lawn! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  7. Lovely; Tea in the Garden. The blossoms must have a wonderful fragrance too.

  8. Oh Nancy, what a stunning view and beautiful setting for your tea today. Your teapot and tea cup are both so pretty. I hope you don't get frost tonight!

  9. Hi Nancy, Your tea-time photos on your deck by your blossoming cherry tree are just beautiful! Spring is such a wonderful time of year. Your teapot and teacup provide a beautiful tea table. Have a great week!
    ~ Phyllis

  10. Your setting is so beautiful with the cherry blossoms in the background, Nancy. I was intrigued by a glimpse at your garden with the outline/borders created by what looks to be lamb's ears. My mother collects Occupied Japan pieces. Your teapot and teacup are lovely.

  11. Beautiful cherry blossoms and a lovely tea table. That teapot was a great find. Thanks for sharing it!

  12. Beautiful cherry blossoms and a lovely tea table. That teapot was a great find. Thanks for sharing it!

  13. Hi Nancy,

    What a beautiful setting to have that perfect cup of tea; so consoling! Your cherry tree is stunning as is your surrounding garden, lush and green, and your special teapot, quite the romantic! A very serene scene~


  14. Hi Nancy! What a beautiful yard you have - even with little blooming, as you say. You are higher than us in South Jersey - so you are enjoying your cherry blossoms now. We said good-bye to ours a month ago! And, lilac season is past. All the roses are out now. Quite lovely. What a great thrifting find - that Occupied Japan pot. So bright and colorful. I usually see the occupied Japan ones in darker colors. A splendid tea! Looking forward to more flowers the next time!

  15. My first impression was you were having tea outside in the snow ! What a beautiful tree. Your yard is lovely, I want to see more of it as it blooms

    The teapot & teacup are very pretty . It is amazing the teapot has survived un-chipped and unbroken all these years. Think of the history that teapot has been used through.

  16. Oh your tree is beautiful! I have one like it and it is such a show when it blooms. Like yours, it is a heavenly place to have tea. Your tea pot is very pretty, and I love your tea cup too. They have a similar shape to them, and so compliment very well.
    How exciting to have the blooms now. I hope your frosts are done, and you get to do your planting.

  17. Just breath taking I love it the blossoms and all... would love to be sitting there in the afternoon having tea with you... I love the Tea Pot and Cup and saucer they are lovely and match well...Enjoy your evening hope it's the last frost for you too..with love Janice

  18. Your tea table surrounded with white blossoms is gorgeous! What a beautiful place to sip a cup.

  19. What a beautiful tea table! Thanks for stopping by with your comment on the wheelbarrow garden. Your fairy garden in the wheelbarrow was so lovely! I love how you did yours, so pretty! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend in your gorgeous garden.


  20. What a lovely spot to have a cup of tea. Those blossoms are so beautiful.

  21. Hi Nancy,
    thank you for yopur visit and the sweet comment. Your table has the perfect background. What a scent it must be with this blooming cherry tree. And your tea setting is so nice. Thank you for sharing this heavenly tea time.
    Best greetings, Johanna
