Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Spring Violet Tea

Hello and welcome!  Today I'd like to share a tea I had last week at my little farm cottage.  My precious 93 year old Mama spent the day with me and of course we had tea!  I set the table in front of the fireplace as it was a chilly day.

I'm using my violet teapot and cups to welcome spring  and also because they are a favorite of my Moms.

The teapot is stamped on the bottom Formalities by Baum Bro's.  I love the style and all the sweet violets.  The teacups are both a thrift store find. The fancy one is a Lefton,  and the other is stamped Japan.  The little bowl is marked Norcrest, Sweet Violets.

The teapot is filled with Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset tea.  Perfect for a cool day.

Both chairs were a thrift store find!

Thank you so much for visiting and also for your sweet comments. Praying you have a wonderful week!

I'll be joining the following parties this week:  Tea Time Tuesday, Tea in the Garden, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Tabletop Tuesday, A Return to Loveliness, Share Your Cup Thursday, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. How special to still be able to have tea with your Mom. Your violet setting is lovely! I love the chintz teapot. Such pretty photos!

  2. Dolcissima questa tea-violette!Buona settimana,Rosetta

  3. Hi Nancy,
    Your Spring Violet tea in your farm cottage is beautiful! And how special to be able to share it with your mother.
    Love your violet teapot, teacups,and coordinating violet chairs.
    Love the phrase on your fireplace too!
    Hugs and Blessings, Phyllis

  4. This is so sweet. I know your Mother loved it. Pretty violet teacups and your sweet pansy chintz teapot make for a lovely tea!

  5. Love your violet teapot and cups. I have several violet tea items as dainty and sweet. Even so much nicer that your Mother could enjoy that special time with you. You are blessed to have her still.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  6. What a sweet and delightful tea! And those chairs are beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us :)

    Hugs to you!

  7. Nancy, your fireside tea looks delightful. The chairs look perfect with your violet china. How nice your mom still enjoys tea with you.

  8. What a beautiful tea setting. The fireplace and all that luscious purple! That violet teapot is beautiful and those chairs look so perfect with everything. Have a great week! Gina

  9. Very elegant and romantic setting. That violet teapot is just gorgeous.
    Beautiful shots!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

    Greetings from Singapore...

  10. How lovely to share this special tea party with your Mother. I love the place by your fire and the darling bistro set especially the colors of the tiles. The sweet violets teapot is perfect with your cups and saucers. My Mother is 90 and enjoyed our visit and her presents on Mother's Day but her favorite were the two family collies, a female 10 years old and a male 5 months old. To say the least it was fun with all the dog and puppy kisses. Hope your Mother had a great time. too!


  11. How lovely your violet tea time is, Nancy! I'm sure your mom enjoyed it very much sitting by the fire. The violets are just so sweet; love your pretty teapot! Thank you for sharing and coming to tea and have a beautiful day.


  12. Your teapot is just gorgeous! How special to share a nice tea time with your mother. You set a very pretty table! I'm sure it made her feel special.

  13. How wonderful to set a special tea for your dear mother, Nancy, and with her favorite pattern. You find the prettiest thrifted items... the teacups and the chairs are just darling. I love the sweet words written across the front of your fireplace.

  14. Hello Nancy,
    What a totally charming tea you two must have had. A perfect choice of violets to set the scene, and all your lovely teas to choose from. You china is so very sweet!

  15. Your link showed up yesterday and is there. I find that if you just go away for a while and come back - it is there!!! Thanks so much for linking this sweet post.

  16. Absolutely gorgeous - the tea set, chairs, setting, the play in purple tones - in a word, everything you've shared!
    Love it <3

  17. What a beautiful violet tea by the fireplace. How I would love sitting there.

  18. The most perfect of tea times! I love the violets and your beautiful fireplace with such sweet words. Best of all, what a special treasured time --- to be able to share tea time with your mother.

    Warmly, LaDonna
    Gracious Hospitality

  19. I just love everything about this post! The violet-patterned china (always a favorite of mine), the cinnamon tea, those GORGEOUS chairs, but best of all, having tea with your mother. What a blessing!

  20. Tea with Mom - that's special, especially when you've been away and can catch up. Having been to "Two Cottages" myself, I have a sense of the heat from the fireplace, and all the beautiful décor you have been fortunate to collect. May God bless your mother and the time you spend together!

  21. Time with your Mother is so precious. I love how you set this beautiful tea in front of the fire - I can just imagiine what a lovely time you had together. I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
    I hope you have a blessed weekend,

  22. Nancy, I adore Violets in the Spring time! I had a lot of them at my previous home. Your teapot and cups are just lovely. How wonderful to sip tea with your sweet Mom. 93, that is amazing! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
