Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Thankful Giveaway and Tea

Hello Friends,

It has been one year since I've starting blogging!  I'm so thankful for all the precious friends I've met through blog land.  To celebrate my first year I'm having a drawing for a giveaway to all my followers.  Please leave a comment letting me know you would like to enter.  If you are not a follower please become one!  I'll be drawing the winner on December 1st.

I've picked some blues for the giveaway.  A pretty 12 inch doily, a book on Afternoon Teas, paper hand towels, a cute box of push pins in tea party shapes, and blue toile teapot and teacup ornaments.  Good luck to all!


Now lets have tea!

I've been real busy this week and have time for just a quick pot of tea to share with you.  I'm having tea today at my kitchen island.  I'm using these brown transferware dishes I recently found.  I was excited to find a matching trio!  The name is Sunday Morning by W.H. Grindley. Its good to see the people heading to church in the quaint village.


The teapot is filled with Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice tea.  My Acorn garden fairy came by to join us!

As long as we are in my kitchen I thought I'd show you the sink skirt I made a few months ago.  The cabinet doors snap off real easy for a quick different look.

The picture plate on the window shelf is of my two children years ago.  My sister made the sweet sampler for me when we built our cabin.

Thank you for coming by and don't forget to leave a comment if you would like to enter my giveaway.  Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

I'll be joining the following parties:   Teatime Tuesday, Tabletop Tuesday, Friends Sharing Tea, Show and Tell Friday.


  1. Hi Nancy! Hot Cinnamon Spice is a winter favorite at our house too. Love your new transferware trio set, your cozy kitchen, and the sampler made by your sister[the Scripture verse is so true! Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
    Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary at blogging. I always enjoy visiting your blog and viewing your wonderful photos!
    Please enter my name in your lovely and very generous giveaway.
    Gratefully, Phyllis

  2. As you know, I love to collect teacup trios, and yours is very pretty! Hmmm... I think I can small your Hot Cinnamon Spice tea now.

  3. Hello Nancy,
    So happy you started blogging. It gave us all a chance to 'meet' you! I like your sampler and the plates on your plate stand are lovely. Love brown transferware!You are offering a wonderful giveaway; love your goodies. I'm a Follower as you know and please throw my name in the teapot. See you for tea tomorrow. Enjoy your day, my friend.


  4. What a sweet give away and love the fairy. As a child, I adored the Flower Fairies brand and dolls. Sweet memories!

    Congratulations on a year of blogging... and quite an achievement!

    By the way, if you want to be 'interviewed' on my blog, make sure to stop by :)

    Take care, Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Your kitchen is really cute - love the colors! And is that the tops of trees outside - how lovely! Very cute post!

  6. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Great giveway with very sweet goodies! Love your sink and sink skirt. It does change the look. Gives it a nice warm feel! You have so many pretty things. I love the brown transferware!!

  7. Congratulations on One Year....I love the transfer ware, I been looking but haven't found anything yet that I want.. I love your adorable sink skirt..very cute...Happy Sunday with love Janice

  8. Happy Anniversary! I've been 'following' you for some time - just didn't realize I wasn't 'official!' I'm not a blogger myself, but so enjoy those of you who are. Thanks for sharing your time and interests and lovely photos. Would feel blessed to be included in your generous drawing ... Have a wonderful ThanksgivingAA!

  9. Congratulations, Nancy, on your blogoversary! I've enjoyed following you and seeing your lovely teas in your two cottages. Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway - you have some very nice items! I appreciate your generosity.

  10. Congratulations on your anniversary! When I started blogging, I never expected to make so many wonderful friends. Love your farmhouse sink and curtained cabinet! ~ Maureen

  11. Congratulations on your anniversary! Enjoyed seeing your table set for tea, and now I think I need to go brew a cup of spice tea myself! Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Hello Nancy; Love that tea, what a lovely cold weather tea to keep you warm.... your tea set is just gorgeous.... please enter my name in you sweet and very generous give a way... I am a follower as well... have a great week...


  13. Happy Blog-a-birthday! Your Sunday Morning by W.H. Grindley trio is lovely. Perfect for Thanksgiving. Happy Tea Day and Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Hello again, Nancy, and thank you for sharing your cute post with us at Tea Time. Love your trio and your choice of tea today sounds lovely. Wishing you and all those you love a Happy Thanksgiving this week!


  15. Hi Nancy, yes, please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity. I'm already a follower of yours. I love your pretty dishes and the cute garden fairy. I enjoyed seeing your kitchen and the pretty skirt you made for your sink. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  16. I enjoyed my visit with you today. Transferware offers so many wonderful choices. And Sunday morning is a really great one. I don't think I had seen this one before. Your little acorn fairy is so cute! Thanks for inviting him to the party.

  17. Dearest Nancy ..

    Your lovely kitchen filled my heart such warmth ... I love that little skirt and actually was thinking of doing the same in my little butlers kitchen... Too Sweet!!

    I always enjoy sipping tea with the fairies especially when they're as cute as your little " acorn " is( Hee hee) .. He made me smile...The theme and tone of your brown transfer ware is the perfect touch for this Thanksgiving season. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving, my friend... Hugs

  18. Oops Nancy ... I forgot to enter your draw... really ... you are too generous .... but some lucky person will win ... So please do include me in your gracious "giving" and Congratulations on your Anniversary... So glad that you here !!! Hugs

  19. Hi Nancy! This is a lovely trio - I LOVE cottage/village motifs and for some reason they are so inviting on china and teacups. I feel drawn into the idealistic world they illustrate. Johnson Brothers has a few patterns like this. Perfect for cabin life - and love the country sink with the skirting! So inviting!! Bless you this Thanksgiving and many thanks for your sweet comments about my daughter's wedding. Yes - still floating . . .

  20. Dear Nancy,
    Thank you for the generous give away and congratulations on your blog anniversary. I would be delighted to be entered.
    I love your transfer ware. It is a pattern I am unfamiliar with. Very sweet.
    Ruthie from Lady B's Time for Tea

  21. Congrats on your anniversary! Your kitchen is lovely and so is the view!

  22. The teapot & the teacup look like they were made for each other, isn't Christmas just like that? Things / people not ordinarily brought together come together and discover they work well and enjoy each other no matter the difference.

    Lovely teapot / teacup. I especially like your hand work, what a precious gift to receive.
