Monday, October 1, 2012

Grandma's China Cabinet and Tea

Hello everyone and happy October to you! It has been cool and windy outside lately, but warm and cozy inside our log cottage.

Today I'm joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage.  She is having a special Tuesday of sharing whats inside our china cabinets.  I 'm sharing what is inside my dear Grandmothers  china cabinet I am so blessed to have.  But first lets have tea!

I set my dining room table that also was my Grandmothers with a set of six different fruit patterns that my Mom gave me.  They were made in Bavaria Germany and named "Old Nuremburg".  You'v seen me use them previously in my post "A Simple August Tea".  I  picked the last flowers of summer for a centerpiece and little Nasturtium fairy has come to tea as well!

Now shall we see whats in the china cabinet?

These are the dishes I used for tea today.

The pink chintz tea set is from my Grandmother and the little chair my cousin made me years ago.

Both the plate and teapot were my Moms.  The little teapot has what looks like the Chinese language stamped on the bottom.

A couple pictures of some pretties in my cabinet.

Hope you enjoyed our tea and some of the special items in my china cabinet.  Thank you for visiting and  have a wonderful week!


  1. You have many beautiful pieces. I love the room with all the windows and beautiful view where you set up your tea today. The apple teaset is adorable, as are your plates. I enjoyed my visit today.

  2. Hi Nancy,
    Your cabinet is just lovely and you have some beautiful pieces in it. I love the chintz set from your grandmother and the china on your table is very pretty, especially for this time of year. The apple set is adorable and I must dig out my apples one of these weeks. The pieces from your mother are beautiful too.
    Love the room you have your table in! It must be lovely to look out upon your property any time of the year. Thank you so much for joining me today and have a lovely week.


  3. Your cabinet and collection of china are absolutely fabulous! Beautiful table setting. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week.

  4. The bowed glass china cabinet is wonderful all on it's own. That it holds so many family pieces makes it even more special! ~ Maureen

  5. Hi Nancy: The dishes from your Grandmother are really beautiful. I love what you have chosen for the tea table. Your home is truly wonderful. How much joy you must get out of that beautiful room, sitting there nice and cozy when it is raining or snowing outside. It must be really something to see..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  6. I did enjoy the look in your cabinet, so many nice things I'd want to pick up and examine closely.
    The apple teapot is perfect for fall.

  7. Gorgeous Fall Tea Table! I love your fruit set with all 6 different plates. The flower centerpiece is perfect with the sweet fairy. The cabinet with all your treasures is perfect for display. My favorite is your gandmother's chintz teaset.

    Thanks, Pam

  8. Nancy you have such precious heirlooms. I love the fruit dishes. Perfect for Summer and Fall. The little fairy is so cute. Thanks for sharing your tea.

  9. Hello!

    These are lovely! At first I thought I liked the apples and strawberries the best, but then I saw the peaches and black berries! And the grapes - what fruit is with them? It looks like a pumpkin, from what I can see, but it is probably not... perhaps a melon?

    Your cabinet and the special treasures it holds is beautiful.

    Also, what a cozy armchair that is by the big windows.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    :) Hope

  10. I just love your fruit patterned tea set. It looks so pretty. You have a lovely collection of china in your cabinet. Pamela

  11. How fun to step inside the dining area of your log cabin and see your grandmother's beautiful china cabinet, filled with priceless china that's been handed down to you. I love the fruit china, the apple tea set ... just everything!

  12. Oh - how I enjoyed this! The Cicely Barker flower Fairy is also so cute!
    That room is beautiful and what a lovely setting for tea! I hope you linked this to Friends Sharing Tea!

  13. Your cabinet is just filled with so many lovey china pieces. What makes them so special is that they were given to you from your mother and g'mother!
    Your cabinet does look a lot like mine.
    I lived in the U.P until we moved to Canada 11 years ago-I know it well!

  14. How lovely,your tea and china cabinet is. I especially love the little girl with her pin cushion.
    Thank you for visiting and for your nice comments. Could you tell me what rutabagas is that you said you put into your little pies,it sounds interesting xx

  15. What a beautiful teatime tablescape you've created here--I love the apple tea pot in particular! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog the other day and leaving an encouraging comment on my morning glory post. I wish you good luck with Mr. Bunny next gardening season!

  16. Thank you, Nancy, for your visit and very sweet comment about my blog birthday. It's ladies like yourself that keep me wanting to do my very best and offer something fresh and sweet in every post I put on. Hope you have a lovely weekend.


  17. Your cabinet is a beauty and I also love the dining area, just gorgeous! You have set a beautiful tea table here with such stunning dishes. I love all your lovelies on the cabinet. Thank you so much for your generous and kind comments, I appreciate it very much. have a great weekend.
