Monday, October 22, 2012

Front Porch Tea

Hello friends and welcome!

When autumn arrives with the cold weather we usually get a streak of glorious warm days what we call Indian Summer.  During one of those days I took a break from working in the flower garden and enjoyed a cup of tea on my front porch.

You've seen my teacup and teapot before, but the sweet little creamer is a new one.  My dear friend I met last winter in Florida gave me a set of two in different sizes.  They are marked Rural England, Mid Winter Ltd,  Burslem England.

Years ago I made the sampler.  The motto holds so true.

I've finally brought my geraniums in to stay.  We are getting too many low temps at night.

Grab a cup of tea and I'll share some random photo's with you of our front yard.  This one is of our log home with wild woodbine vine across the top of the garage.

Here's the view from my porch looking toward our driveway.

Next photo is my rose arbor partially covered with woodbine vine.  If you remember,  I had a tea last June under the rose arbor.

My front porch decorated for fall.

I have lots of bittersweet vines this fall.  Hubby cut down part of the vine for me as they were climbing up the nearby tree.  I had lots to share with neighbors and friends.

Well, that's about it from my little corner of the world for this week.  Thank you for stopping by and visiting me. Thank you in advance for all your comments!

I'll be joining the following fun parties this week:  Teatime Tuesday, A Return to Loveliness, Friends Sharing Tea, Share Your Cup Thursday, Feathered Nest Friday, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. What beautiful fall colors you have around your home. I enjoyed your tea today, thanks for sharing it and your yard with us.

  2. Hello,
    your garden is marvellous. And I love your tea setting as much as the quote on the towel. Handle with prayer sounds like a guarantor of success.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. Hello Nancy,
    You have a beautiful property! Very charming and welcoming! Your tea is lovely set with pretty china. I surely do agree with the quote on your beautiful sampler. Thank you for coming to tea today and have a beautiful day, my friend.


  4. What a lovely fall garden! Beautiful! I love your china. Midwinter was acquired by Wedgwood, who were acquired by Royal Doulton. I love that particular pattern. And I absolutely adore your sampler! Wonderful. I love to cross stitich. That's a beauty!

  5. Lovely photos of your home and garden!!

  6. The sampler you made is quite lovely and I enjoyed the photos of your garden.

  7. Beautiful photos as always, Nancy! Your log cabin home is so cozy, and I love the Indian Summer tea you took time to enjoy on your front porch. The British made milk jug from your friend is lovely, and the phrase on your embroidered linen is so true. Your garden photos are lovely and since I'm not a gardener, I really appreciate seeing photos from those who do. Have a great week! ~ Phyllis

  8. Oh Nancy, I wish I could share tea with you on your beautiful porch. That cup of yours you know I love. Is there such a thing as teacup envy?? Your sweet home is so pretty and your views are wonderful.

  9. Your photos took my breathe away for the beauty is stunning! You live in a very picture perfect house with the lovely gardens and surrounding woods. I really appreciate you sharing these photos for this is your precious sanctuary! The sweet creamer is just great for a tea table setting in the fall colors with your other lovely tea pieces. Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks, Pam

  10. I love your new cream pitcher and all of the pretty photos of your garden.

  11. What a lovely setting. Your tea cup is beautiful. I love your garden.

    Jocelyn @

  12. What a charming garden you have. I love the bittersweet. I had to order mine on Ebay.

  13. Love those dear little pitchers! And love your charming garden.

  14. Hi Nancy, Your porch is beautifully decorated for fall. I enjoyed seeing the garden too - love the arbor. Your sampler is so true, and I like your teacup and creamer. Have a wonderful week!

  15. Thanks so much for sharing your front porch tea on Simple & Sweet Fridays. What a beautiful spot for tea and your garden is gorgeous!


  16. Mi piace l'autunno a casa tua!La tu atea è dolcissima con belle tazze e tovaglia!Baci!Rosetta

  17. Your home, porch, garden and all are very darling and warm. I love it all! The towel of course is so perfect! Thanks for linking to Friends Sharing Tea!

  18. What a welcoming tea setting. I love the warm fall colors. Your log cottage and grounds are really lovely.

  19. Nancy - you are living the dream - or at least, in a dream house and garden! How beautiful! My husband would love a log cabin and I'm gaga for that sweet English country garden of yours. We have been working on ours in the front of our modest little rancher and it gets better every year. Your teacup featured here is precious!! Love the image! So glad to be back in Blogland reconnecting with our tea ladies!!

  20. Hi Nancy: What a plesant place to take tea. I love the view out from your porch. This was a very sweet post. The vine covering your arbor that you call woodbine, looks exactly like what we call here, virginia creeper. I have it growing all along our front fence and mixing in with grape vines into bushes on the side of our property. So pretty in autumn..Happy Thursday..Judy

  21. I could just sit on your porch and look at THAT view all day...everything is so lovely there :)

    thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comments :)

  22. Your photos are all beautiful. I adore your vine covered arbor! What a beautiful yard and flowers. Tea on the porch sounds wonderful!

  23. Such an inviting porch. Everything looks beautiful.
    Ruthie from

  24. What a charming garden and home you have:))
    Happy Pink Saturday!! Thank you for sharing your lovely surroundings:))

    Kay Ellen

  25. just lovley.....and I like the china.....
    and do not miss......




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  26. Your fall colors are beautiful. I enjoyed having my tea with you. Love your needle work.



  27. Your autumn view is gorgeous! Love the sweet creamers - what a lovely gift from your friend. I am bringing plants in too - the temps are dropping quite a bit here. I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  28. Loved every single thing in this post!
