Monday, September 3, 2012

A Sunny Day Tea

Hello everyone.  Happy September to you!  Hope you all had a good holiday!.  Its another sunny day so decided to have tea in the garden again this week.  Many of my flowers are looking a bit tired but my Heliopsis (perennial sunflowers) are giving a late summer show.

I'm using my vintage yellow rose tablecloth I had for years.  The unmarked teacup was only 49 cents, and I think matches the tablecloth pretty good!  I found the unmarked teapot a few years ago at a thrift store.  I just love the size and shape.  Its filled with American Classic tea from the Charleston Tea Plantation.   I made a cream puff dessert for today, perfect for a warm sunny day!  Here's the recipe if you want to try it.

Boil together one stick oleo with one cup water.  Take off stove.  Add one cup flour and mix together.  Add four eggs (one at a time) and beat in.  Spread on greased cookie sheet.  Bake 375 degrees  for 20 minutes or until golden brown.  Cool.
Filling:  one large package instant vanilla pudding, 8 oz. package cream cheese softened, two and one half cups milk.  Beat with mixer.  Spread on top of cooled crust.  Spread  a small tub of Coolwhip on top.  Squeeze Turtle Shell Chocolate syrup on top.  Refrigerate.

Well, I'm going to sit awhile in the sun and browse through an old Victoria magazine.  They are all keepers,  I     think I have most of the past issues!

Thank you for visiting me a have a great week!

I'll be joining the following parties this week:  Teatime Tuesday, Tea in the Garden, A Return to Loveliness, Cottage Garden Party, and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. How pretty yellow is. Your setting is lovely.I think your teacup yellow rose pattern looks like Old Foley. xx

  2. Everything looks lovely the tea cup does match well...very nice..have a great day today with love Janice

  3. What a lovely, sunny teascape. I love your vintage yellow rose tablecloth and the wonderful rose teacup. The teapot is perfect with both. Happy Tea Day!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful garden tea on Simple & Sweet Fridays. What a wonderful place to relax.


  5. I love the yellow flowers, they make your yard so sunny, also love the teacup and teapot. I visited the American Clasic Tea Plantation near Charleston in 2010, and really enjoyed seeing how tea was made. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  6. The yellow flowers on your vintage tablecloth, teacup and in the garden behind look lovely together. Even the little yellow chair the cherub is sitting on matches. A nice spot for tea and dessert.

  7. What a truly beautiful tea outdoors you have shared with us.

    I so wish I could join you for that delish looking dessert, too!


  8. Nancy, I just love your spot for tea (sigh). I wish I was there in person to enjoy the beauty and smell the flowers. Your teapot is sooo pretty and so is the tea cup. I'd love to have a bite of your cream puff dessert.

  9. What a gorgeous place to have tea. It is just so pretty. I love the little tea-pot. My kind of china. Hugs, Deb

  10. What a sunny post. Yellow is such a happy color. Lovely tea things in yellow you have...
    I adore my old Victoria magazines and have almost every one. I love to look at them and continually find new things or I should say old things which are new again to enjoy and look into.
    Ruthie from:

  11. Beautiful tea. I love all of your pretty tea things. Teapot and your pretty teacup.

  12. Hi Nancy,
    Sorry I am so very late visiting. It's been a sad and busy week what with Hubby's nephew passing away suddenly and my son flying home from BC for the funeral.

    Yellow is such a happy colour and your teacup looks wonderful with the tablecloth. Love your pretty teapot too. Thank you for joining me for tea and have a delightful day.


  13. Now that photo with the globe thistle is so gorgeous. Actually - that these photos are gorgeous. I love all your Teas in The Garden You have done but with those yellow heliopsis (?) - wow.

  14. Another lovely outdoor tea party! I love the cheerfulness of the color yellow. Your teacup is lovely and a great find! And the dessert sounds delicious. Enjoy your outdoor tea parties while you can. I love fall, but I know that winter and its confinement follows on its heels. That's Michigan! ;-)

  15. Congrats! Just wanted you to know you've been featured on Simple & Sweet Fridays for this lovely tea party. Have a wonderful weekend!


  16. What a wonderful tea party setting. I love your flowers too.

  17. What a beautiful, sunny tablescape. I love the sunny days sign, and the teapot and china are very pretty. Enjoy your magazine and treat!

  18. You are like the Disneyland of tea / garden parties :)

    Always enjoy your posts :)

    I hope you have white plates and cups for winter!!! ???? :)

  19. Your heliopsis and globe thistle are pretty. Love your tablecloth, teapot, and teacup and your treats look really good!

  20. completely in love with all of your 'yellow' in the garden! what a beautiful spot for tea in the garden! thank you so very much for sharing this cheerful post over here at Fishtail Cottage's garden party this week. xoox, tracie

  21. What a lovely Yellow post!! So bright and cheerful!!


  22. Beautiful post! I'm so glad to be here sharing a cuppa tea with you!
