Monday, July 23, 2012

Tea In The Garden

Hello, hope you all had a good week and thank you for visiting.  My flowers are blooming away and I'm enjoying them so much.  For tea this week I placed a table by my border of flowers.


I'm using a baby quilt I bought from a friend when I first was to become a Grandma.  My Mom gave me the teapot (no markings on it), it makes a good pot of tea.  The teacup I recently bought at a antique shop in Niagara Falls, Canada.  The marking on the back is Colclough, made in England.  All of the teacups were reduced to $5.00, so I came home with six different ones which I'll share with you another time. I've had the pretty sugar bowl without its mate for a long time. No marking on it either.


Lots of blooming flowers - Lithrum, phlox, daisies, mallow, day lilies, yarrow, lambs ears, and bee balm, etc.

Thank you so much for joining me in my garden for tea and please stop by again.

I'll be joining Beverly at Pink Saturday for her special birthday celebration and these other lovely parties:
Tea Time Tuesday, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Tabletop Tuesday, Tuesday Garden Party, Tea In The Garden, A Return To Loveliness, Cottage Garden Party, Share Your Cup Thursday, Teacup Thursday, Simple and Sweet Fridays, Home Sweet Home and Feathered Nest Friday.


  1. Hi Nancy, Lovely new teacup! Your garden is looking terrific - you must be having adequate rainfall in your area. A very pretty tea today!

  2. Love your garden photos and tea table setting. what a perfect way to spend some time with a friend over a cup of tea. Thank you for sharing the garden and tea setting.


  3. Very lovely, the light pink floral patterns blend expertly with your garden! :)

  4. Nancy, you have such a beautiful garden! I admire anyone who can grow such pretties as you have! Love your new teacup! You got a great deal on it. The sugar bowl is darling too. Thank you for sharing this with us and joining me for tea today and have a lovely week.


  5. Your flower garden is so pretty! And that baby quilt is just adorable. Everything is beautiful. I really love that sugar bowl! Visiting from Sandi's party. Have a fantastic day!

  6. Nancy, I always love visiting your garden and your tea table.

  7. Hello, I'm visiting from A Delightsome Life. I enjoyed your post with your pretty teacup and teapot out in your beautiful garden. Your posts are all so pretty and your gardens are lovely. Blessings, Pamela

  8. What a great garden tea again! I LOVE you wonderful garden! The baby quilt is charming and I love the big blue teapot and gorgeous teacup. looks the perfect place for a break and a quiet reflection. Thanks so much for sharing your haven and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  9. Quilts, sunbonnet, tea and birdhouses? PERFECT combo for a serene tea time al fresco! Lovely pics~

  10. Your flower garden is brilliant ! Your tea is so inviting... thank you for sharing tea. xo HHL

  11. I enjoyed visiting your blog today, Nancy. Beautiful as always!
    Happy you found teacups to bring home from Canada and at a great price too!

  12. I love to see quilts used at tablecloths -- especially with tea! There is something so welcoming and old-fashioned about it! Lovely teacup and teapot. Your garden is lovely and I like the hat!

  13. Hello dear Nancy,
    Your tea in the garden is so lovely! You just have the perfect tea spot outdoors!
    I can only imagine how peaceful it is out there when you have your tea.
    Your new Colclough looks so very pretty! Lucky you to find it for so little! Can't wait to see the rest of them : )

  14. What a lovely outdoor setting. I love your quilt and beautiful tea servings.

    Jocelyn @

  15. +Good afternoon, your garden is just lovely I enjoyed the stroll through...wonderful Tea cup and such...happy Wednesday..with love Janice

  16. Hi Nancy,
    You have set a beautiful tea for Tea time Tuesday! What a beautiful teacup. I love the floral design. Your garden looks amazing! lots of color. I love the quilt you have on your table. Everything looks lovely! Thanks for sharing.

  17. i love that chubby blue teapot. It all looks so pretty and your flowers are spectacular.
    Ruthie from:

  18. Can I come, I will pop over for a spot of tea this afternoon. Your garden is the perfect place to enjoy tea. Thanks for sharing. I have come from Patti's party, drop by for a visit. Kathy

  19. You are a woman after my own heart with the mix and match china! I love this post and thank you linking to Tea IN The Garden!

  20. What a lovely post!! How wonderful to have tea in the garden!! our tea table and your garden are so delightful!


  21. Wow, how do you ever leave there? I guess the tea gets cold after a while and you have to go warm it. But I am just loving the garden and your table setting. I would sit and wait gladly while you refilled the tea. Ha!

  22. Such a lovely spot for a cup of tea!The quilt looks so pretty on the table.


  23. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful garden and glassware. I enjoyed visiting! Sandi

  24. Thanks so much for taking the time to come by Quirky Vistas and read my thrifty tales about the patio chairs. I do so appreciate your visit and your sweet comment!

  25. I love your blog this week. So beautiful and I love the quilt and teacups. All my favorite things.
    Thank you for your kind words on my blog last week.

  26. Very pretty! Happy Pink Saturday.

    Come join my Color Connection meme, it is also my PINK entry. Hope you join the fun!

  27. Just gorgeous! Perfect for Pink Birthday celebration.

    PINK at my page, come and see. Have a great weekend.

  28. Greetings from Ireland.

    I am visiting from Pink Saturday.

    Love your photos
    the flowers are so pretty

    Have a good weekend.


  29. Such a charming scene for a beautiful Pink Saturday!

    thanks for sharing,

  30. What a charming setting for afternoon tea! I really don't envy anyone the THINGS they have, or any kind of possessions, but I DO covet such a beautiful garden.

    Yours is simply splendid, and I know you enjoy it so much. Thank you for my own stroll through such a lovely place.


  31. Oh how lovely and peaceful. Wouldn't my grand children and I enjoy sipping a cup of tea from one of your cute and unique tea sets. A delightful visit for Pink Saturday!

  32. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden on Simple & Sweet Fridays. I love the table set for tea, so cute!


  33. Gorgeous! Thank you for joining last week in Color Connection. The linky is up for this week, if you haven't link up yet. Have a great weekend.

  34. Hi, it's a great pleasure to see your's amazing! Your flowers are very lovely in particular those in the last photo. I'd like to know their name and i'd like very much to have a cup of tea!
