Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Tea

Happy Spring everyone,
Last spring I gave a little Tea at our farm cottage.

Here's a picture of my darling Granddaughter enjoying tea wearing her favorite tea party hat.

I made these cute and easy cookie hats for the tea.

The brim is a small sugar cookie baked and frosted.  The crown of the hat is a white Reeses peanut butter cup (I can only find these around Easter where I live).  Remove the paper and turn candy upside down and adhere to the frosted brim.  Pipe around the candy base with colored frosting  of your choice.  Decorate with large candy sprinkles or sugar coated flowers.  I had an abundance of Johnny Jump Ups last year and hope I will again later this spring.
Thank you for coming by to visit.  I will be joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for her "Spring Tea".


  1. Hi Nancy, I enjoyed your spring tea. The goodies on your tiered server look pretty and so do the little cookie hats. Your granddaughter looks like she is having a great time! She looks so grown up with her hat. Love your china, too.
    Blessings, Beth

  2. Lovely tea set. Would love to know the maker. Your treats are lovely too.

  3. Love the photos of your Spring tea party, Nancy. The pink tablescape is so delicate and perfect for tea time with your granddaughter! The tier-tray laden with tea food looks yummy, and I love the hat cookies!

  4. You have laid out a beautiful tea party. Very sweet cakes in the shape of hats. I understand that your granddaughter likes to come. Drinking tea with a beautiful hat is fun for all ages. I wish you a wonderful day! Zinnia

  5. What a lovely tea, Nancy! Your little lady looks all grown up in her pretty Spring bonnet, sipping tea! I love your cookie hats. They are simply adorable and I bet delish too. I LOVE Reeses! They are so pretty arranged on the plate. Thank you so much for joining me for tea today. Happy Spring!


  6. Oh what a sweet little lady joined you for tea in her proper lovely hat!

    I LOVE those hat cookies - what a great idea!

    You hosted a wonderful spring tea, thank you so much for sharing!

  7. Hi Nancy,
    I was hoping to email you but I don't see your email address so I'm leaving another comment. Would you mind my featuring your sweet hat cookies on my tea party post this coming week? Please let me know no later than tomorrow {Sunday} evening.
    Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.


  8. Thank you, Nancy, for getting back to me. Your cookies are so cute and I would love for the ladies to see them. Have a nice evening.


  9. Nancy - visiting you from Sandi's blog. I just love those tea hat cookies so much!!! I will be seeking out some white reeses cups for sure to make these. I am a lover of whimsical desserts like this so how fun!! Wonderful post.

  10. Hi, Nancy. I love your blog and dearly enjoyed your tea time today. Your granddaughter looks wonderful in her "Easter Bonnet!" Your treats are amazing. I do love the hat cookies. What a lovely idea to make them this way.
    Sandi at Rose Chintz has introduced your blog at her tea party today. I just had to come by and hello.
    I enjoyed visiting you today and am now a follower! I hope you will also visit me some time.
    Enjoy your tea day!
    Down Memory La La Lane

  11. Those cookies are ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing them. Your teatime looked lovely :)

  12. Hello!!

    What a delightful Tea!!
    I love your sweet grand daughter in her easter hat which is so pretty!!
    I adore your lace tablecloth, I have the same 3 tier server and I LOVE those darling Easter hat goodies!!

    I just may have to borrow that idea someday!!

    I am catching up... So sorry that I have not been by before this...


  13. Lovely tea and especially the sugar cookies. Great job.
