Monday, February 13, 2012

A Touch Of Valentine

Happy Valentines Day everyone,
We are being snowbirds for a month or so in Florida.  Love the warm sunny days!  I've enjoyed everyone's Valentine posts so much so decided I'll try one from here.  I was lucky to find this lace tablecloth and teacup at a thrift shop here, so with a few extra things I've decided to bring this to you!

The teacup is marked Germany.  I love the sweet pink and green combination together.
Hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day with your family and friends.  Thank you so much for visiting.

I'll be joining the following parties:
Time Time Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Teacup Tuesday
Friends Sharing Tea


  1. I love your antique teacup. The lush rose designs are so pretty!. And I always love vintage valentines! Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for linking with Tuesday Cuppa Tea. Come by to sign up for my drawing!

  2. Bellissima la tua tazza!Buon San Valentino!Rosetta

  3. What a beautiful spread you were able to do with your fab thrift store finds! The cup is just beautiful! I love the roses and how the artist included the stem with thorns, you never see that! I also love the coloring.
    That is a lovely tablecloth and a sweet Valentine card too.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Very pretty teacup! I love the pink roses with the green. You found some very nice things. Florida sounds very appealing right now as I sit here listening to the rain hit my rooftop. We need the rain but I sure love sunny warm days. Enjoy your stay there!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. We're from Ontario spending the month of February in Florida as well.
    Thank heavens for thrift shops, and the dollar store while we're here. I did bring my own teapot but have to use a pot to boil water in.
    I enjoyed visiting you for tea today and your teacup is pretty with the large roses on it.

  6. Gorgeous setting you have pulled together! It was wonderful having tea with you today.. thank you for stopping by my little BlogLand home and enjoy some tea and your sweet comment. xo Blessings HHL

  7. Oh my, what a gorgeous teacup you have found! Love the lush roses on it and how lovely to find a tablecloth too.
    I so appreciate you sharing these with us and joining me for tea even while on vacation. Happy Valentines Day and I want you to know that your presence at my party has made it all the more lovely!


  8. How lovely!
    I do like the a and teacups.
    Happy Valentine's day!

  9. Love the pink rose with the green teacup. Very pretty. Happy Valentines Day!

  10. That is a beautiful cup! Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. I love that cup and saucer too! Everyone loves it! Looks really oooold!

  12. Enjoy your stay in Florida! Lucky you! I have just retired but DH is still working (he has to, to support my habit - lol!) - one day we would like to be snowbirds. We live in Iowa and winter has been mild this year. I'm intrigued by the UP and you living there - bet it's beautiful. We've not been to the UP but we had a vacation on Mackinac Island and adored it there! I did a post on it in the past - and if you are interested in looking at it, you can look in my labels on my sidebar for Mackinac Island. Like your tea cup too! Thanks for stopping by to visit.
    Hugs, Beth

  13. What a gorgeous teacup! Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

  14. P.S. I just gave you an award on my blog. Check it out, if you have time! If you don't want to pass it along, please don't feel obligated. I just wanted to recognize and link to your pretty blog!
    Hugs, Cindy

  15. I happened to be on our blog, when I noticed you on our side bar. I really enjoy my tea bloggy friends. I will be back to visit with you, and I am now following you too.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
